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. 2020 Oct 21;371:m3731. doi: 10.1136/bmj.m3731

Table 5.

Summary characteristics for top 5% of patients with highest predicted absolute risks of covid-19 death. Table shows results for all members of validation cohort

Characteristic Total population (n=2 173 056) Total (column %) in top 5% predicted risk (n=108 652) Top 5% predicted risk (row %)
Male sex 1 075 788 63 755 (58.68) 5.93
Age band:
 19-29 years 424 125 * *
 30-39 years 417 590 * *
 40-49 years 358 695 97 (0.09) 0.03
 50-59 years 358 820 1028 (0.95) 0.29
 60-69 years 270 340 6428 (5.92) 2.38
 70-79 years 209 557 25 542 (23.51) 12.19
 ≥80 years 133 929 75 547 (69.53) 56.41
 White 1 780 507 90 958 (83.71) 5.11
 Indian 64 184 3034 (2.79) 4.73
 Pakistani 40 718 1863 (1.71) 4.58
 Bangladeshi 28 050 1247 (1.15) 4.45
 Other Asian 42 607 1489 (1.37) 3.49
 Caribbean 28 741 3702 (3.41) 12.88
 Black African 58 115 2884 (2.65) 4.96
 Chinese 29 972 603 (0.55) 2.01
 Other ethnic group 100 162 2872 (2.64) 2.87
Townsend deprivation fifth:
 1 (most affluent) 446 359 20 010 (18.42) 4.48
 2 428 735 20 524 (18.89) 4.79
 3 439 846 23 758 (21.87) 5.40
 4 436 574 23 644 (21.76) 5.42
 5 (most deprived) 409 917 20 437 (18.81) 4.99
 Townsend not recorded 11 625 279 (0.26) 2.40
 Neither homeless or care home resident 2 155 199 97 210 (89.47) 4.51
 Care home or nursing home resident 14 057 11 269 (10.37) 80.17
 Homeless 3800 173 (0.16) 4.55
Body mass index:
 <18.5 59 376 4188 (3.85) 7.05
 18.5-24.99 711 186 33 122 (30.48) 4.66
 25-29.99 596 942 34 044 (31.33) 5.70
 30-34.99 278 830 18 762 (17.27) 6.73
 ≥35 160 345 13 086 (12.04) 8.16
 Not recorded 366 377 5450 (5.02) 1.49
Chronic kidney disease (CKD)
 No CKD 2 087 614 68 710 (63.24) 3.29
 CKD3 76 600 34 418 (31.68) 44.93
 CKD4 4648 3194 (2.94) 68.72
 CKD5 only 2527 1722 (1.58) 68.14
 CKD5 with dialysis 585 274 (0.25) 46.84
 CKD5 with transplant 1082 334 (0.31) 30.87
Learning disability:
 No learning disability 2 137 759 103 919 (95.64) 4.86
 Learning disability 34 257 4473 (4.12) 13.06
 Down’s syndrome 1040 260 (0.24) 25.00
 No chemotherapy in previous 12 months 2 164 341 105 131 (96.76) 4.86
 Chemotherapy group A 3343 1100 (1.01) 32.90
 Chemotherapy group B 5032 2223 (2.05) 44.18
 Chemotherapy group C 340 198 (0.18) 58.24
Cancer and immunosuppression:
 Blood cancer 10 359 3084 (2.84) 29.77
 Bone marrow or stem cell transplant in previous 6 months 73 56 (0.05) 76.71
 Respiratory cancer 4549 1722 (1.58) 37.85
 Radiotherapy in previous 6 months 4346 1709 (1.57) 39.32
 Solid organ transplant 1147 283 (0.26) 24.67
 GP prescribed immunosuppressant medication 2814 455 (0.42) 16.17
 Prescribed leukotriene or LABA 45 905 9591 (8.83) 20.89
 Prescribed regular prednisolone 11 617 4518 (4.16) 38.89
 Sickle cell disease 717 117 (0.11) 16.32
Other comorbidities:
 Type 1 diabetes 10 337 861 (0.79) 8.33
 Type 2 diabetes 137 092 40 674 (37.44) 29.67
 Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 51 026 16 708 (15.38) 32.74
 Asthma 299 632 14 860 (13.68) 4.96
 Rare pulmonary diseases 11 748 2868 (2.64) 24.41
 Pulmonary hypertension or pulmonary fibrosis 1891 1061 (0.98) 56.11
 Coronary heart disease 77 035 29 476 (27.13) 38.26
 Stroke 47 513 20 384 (18.76) 42.90
 Atrial fibrillation 52 764 23 579 (21.70) 44.69
 Congestive cardiac failure 25 255 14 897 (13.71) 58.99
 Venous thromboembolism 38 962 10114 (9.31) 25.96
 Peripheral vascular disease 16 463 8005 (7.37) 48.62
 Congenital heart disease 11 344 1288 (1.19) 11.35
 Dementia 21 984 19 829 (18.25) 90.20
 Parkinson’s disease 5736 2847 (2.62) 49.63
 Epilepsy 29 031 3503 (3.22) 12.07
 Rare neurological conditions 6804 1092 (1.01) 16.05
 Cerebral palsy 2433 233 (0.21) 9.58
 Severe mental illness 246 668 17 428 (16.04) 7.07
 Osteoporotic fracture 87 595 15 933 (14.66) 18.19
 Rheumatoid arthritis or SLE 21 391 3251 (2.99) 15.20
 Cirrhosis of liver 4442 1054 (0.97) 23.73

GP=general practitioner; LABA=long acting β agonist; SLE=systemic lupus erythematosus.


Values suppressed owing to small numbers <15.