Phylogram generated from maximum likelihood analysis based on combined ITS, BenA, CaM, and RPB2 sequence data. Eighty-one sequences are included in the combined analysis, which consisted of 2590 characters including alignment gaps. The tree is rooted to Penicillium glabrum (CBS 125543) and P. saturniforme (AS3.6886). The MP analysis for the combined dataset had 815 parsimony informative, 1358 constant, 417 parsimony uninformative characters and yielded 39 most parsimonious trees. The best-fit model GTR + I + G was selected for ITS, BenA and RPB2, and SYM + I + G for CaM in BI analysis. Maximum parsimony and maximum likelihood bootstrap values ≥ 50% and Bayesian posterior probabilities ≥ 0.90 (MPBS/MLBS/BYPP) are indicated at the nodes. Branches with 100% MPBS, 100% MLBS and 1.00 BYPP values are indicated as an asterisk (∗). The ex-type strains are bolded black, and the new isolates are in red.