Surveillance recommendation without genetic test results (a, b) and with genetic test results (c, d). The risk stratification ranges from high (a), intermediate (b), low (c) to general population risk (d). The surveillance recommendation for an 11-month-old child of a bilateral proband is examinations under anesthesia every month (a), for a 65-month-old sibling of a bilateral proband nonsedated it is eye examination every 6 months (b), for a 38-month-old first cousin of a proband for whom the germline and tumor mutation has been identified it is to perform nonsedated eye examination every 6 months until genetic test in the cousin can be undertaken (c), and for a 38-month-old first cousin of a proband for whom the tumor mutation, but not the germline mutation, has been identified it is nonsedated eye examination every 6 months. Genetic test in the cousin is not recommended (d). RB, retinoblastoma.