Table 2.
Examples of types of classification schemes used as diagnostic tasks in medical imaging
Classification Type | Example | Description |
Findings associated with disease | Findings of pulmonary embolism on CT pulmonary angiogram | Describes the imaging findings associated with the presence (or absence) of a disease process |
Probability of disease | PIOPED criteria | Provides a probability of disease based on imaging findings |
Type of pathology | WHO CNS tumor classification system | Describes the type of disease, based on pathological provable characteristics, such as histopathology |
Grade of pathology | Gleason grading system for prostate adenocarcinoma, AAST organ injury scoring scale | Describes the severity of disease, based on findings that are associated with relevant outcomes |
Stage of pathology | TNM staging system | Describes the anatomical extent of the disease, based on findings that are associated with relevant outcomes |
Lesion characterization based on risk assessment | BI-RADS | Categorizes lesions, or potential lesions, based on imaging findings that are associated with relevant outcomes |
Pathology characterization | Stanford aortic dissection classification, Salter-Harris fracture types | Describes types of a disease process based on imaging findings and generally associated with relevant outcomes that may have implications for management |
Diagnostic criteria based on imaging findings | Fleischner diagnostic HRCT criteria for UIP pattern | Image-based criteria for classifying a disease process |
Clinical management based on imaging findings | Fleischner Society guidelines for management of incidental nodules detected on CT | Provides recommendations for clinical management based on imaging findings |
Imaging pattern description | Wolfe classification of breast parenchymal patterns | Characterizes different types of normal imaging findings, typically to provide context for diagnosis of disease |
Anatomical variants | Geist classification of os naviculare types | Describes different normal imaging appearances of an organ system |
AAST = American Association for the Surgery of Trauma; CNS = central nervous system; HRCT = high resolution CT; PIOPED = Prospective Investigation of Pulmonary Embolism Diagnosis; UIP = usual interstitial pneumonia; WHO = World Health Organization.