Fig. 2. Cryo-EM structures of lambda tails.
A. Representative micrograph of the virion sample showing DNA-filled virions (black arrow) and empty particles (white arrow). B. Representative micrograph of the free tails. The bar is 50 nm. Inset from top to bottom, 2D averages of the tail tube from the virions, the empty particles and the free tails. The blue and magenta arrowheads point to the inner tube density and the blurry external density, respectively. C–E. Three-dimensional reconstructions of the virions, empty particles, and the free tails, respectively. From left to right, surface views of the low resolution outer-density reconstructions, showing the external Ig-like gpVC domain organization (magenta); cross-section through the outer-density reconstructions; cross-section through the high-resolution inner-density reconstructions; and surface views of the inner-density reconstruction showing the organization of the gpVN domain (blue).