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. 2020 Oct 20;70(700):e785–e792. doi: 10.3399/bjgp20X713105

Table 1.

Uncoded and coded CKD Read codes among an adult population with biochemical CKD stage 3–5 (n = 9325), by selected clinical characteristics

Variable Total, N Uncoded CKD Coded CKD P-value

n %a n %a
CKD stage ≥3 9325 5086 54.5 4239 45.5

  Female 5312 2858 53.8 2454 46.2
  Male 4013 2228 55.5 1785 44.5 0.10

Age group, years
  <50 1167 956 81.9 211 18.1 <0.001
  50–59 1464 1077 73.6 387 26.4
  60–69 1574 942 59.8 632 40.2
  70–79 2502 1130 45.2 1372 54.8
  80–89 2117 783 37.0 1334 63.0
  ≥90 501 198 39.5 303 60.5

  White 3847 1758 45.7 2089 54.3 <0.001
  Black African 1440 984 68.3 456 31.7
  Black Caribbean 2196 1297 59.1 899 40.9
  South Asian 540 260 48.1 280 51.9
  Chinese 62 30 48.4 32 51.6
  Other ethnicity 171 98 57.3 73 42.7
  Non-stated 206 129 62.6 77 37.4
  Missing 863 530 61.4 333 38.6

IMD quintile
  1 (least deprived) 2252 1193 53.0 1059 47.0 0.42
  2 2000 1102 55.1 898 44.9
  3 1600 886 55.4 714 44.6
  4 1741 968 55.6 773 44.4
  5 (most deprived) 1726 932 54.0 794 46.0
  Missing 6 5 83.3 1 16.7

Comorbid conditions
  Previous stroke 678 293 43.2 385 56.8 <0.001
  CHD 1389 500 36.0 889 64.0 <0.001
  Hypertension 6318 2873 45.5 3445 54.5 <0.001
  Type 2 diabetes 2537 1079 42.5 1458 57.5 <0.001
  Heart failure 751 243 32.4 508 67.6 <0.001
  Serious mental illness 431 225 52.2 206 47.8 0.32

Percentages are calculated using the total figure for each variable as denominator, unless otherwise stated. CHD = coronary heart disease. CKD = chronic kidney disease. IMD = Index of Multiple Deprivation.