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. 2020 Oct 8;28:102461. doi: 10.1016/j.nicl.2020.102461

Table 1.

Mean (SD) values, and range values of demographics and motor behavior information for the FoG and nFoG groups with p-values from unpaired two-tailed Mann-Whitney U test.

Variable FoG nFoG P value
Number 20 18
Age (y) 57.60 (11.48)
67.44 (6.02)
Gender (F/M) 6/14 5/13
Disease duration (y) 12.65 (5.63) 6.47 (4.17) <0.001
5–26 2–17
UPDRS Part III 33.50 (11.05) 28.50 (10.48) 0.192
17–54 9–47
LEDD 753.80 (488.20) 437.50 (291.10) 0.012
150–2400 50–1200
NFOGQ 18.95 (6.30) 0
APA duration (ms) 253.00 (84.61) 210.00 (58.93) 0.133
126.16–421.87 143.75–356.91
APA amplitude (normalized) 0.35(0.08) 0.33 (0.08) 0.545
0.22–0.49 0.16–0.46

In bold: significant results (p < 0.05) of Mann-Whitney two-tailed. Abbreviations: UPDRS Part III (Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Sale Part III); H&Y (Hoehn & Yahr scale); LEDD (levodopa equivalent daily dose); NFOGQ (New Freezing of Gait Questionnaire); APA (anticipatory postural adjustment).