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. 2020 Oct 7;8:583970. doi: 10.3389/fbioe.2020.583970


Compiled effects of substrate stiffness and architecture on various pancreatic differentiation platforms.

Author Cell type Differentiation type Platform ECM coating Apparent modulus (kPa) Cell morphology Relative stiffness Impact
Ghanian et al., 2015 hESCs Directed S0 → S1 Electrospun poly(ε-caprolactone) Matrigel Not reported Clumped hESCs cultured on small diameter nanofibers adopted a clumped morphology and had improved definitive endoderm differentiation.
Tissue culture polystyrene (control) Matrigel 3 × 106* Spread Stiff
Maldonado et al., 2017 iPSCs Directed S0 → S3 Electrospun poly(ε-caprolactone) Col I 20 Round, 3D colonies + Soft “Soft” nanofibers promoted posterior foregut and pancreatic differentiation. “Stiff” surfaces promoted mesodermal differentiation while downregulating pancreatic differentiation.
Electrospun polyether-ketone-ketone Col I 300 Spread, flattened 2D colonies + Stiff
Tissue culture polystyrene (control) Col I 3 × 106* Stiff
Substrate stiffness
Narayanan et al., 2013 hESCs Spontaneous differentiation Hyaluronic acid hydrogels Col IV, Fn, Lam 1.3–3.5 Not reported Soft Optimal differentiation with 2.1 kPa gels and a 1/3/3 mixture of Col IV, fibronectin, and laminin.
Tissue culture polystyrene (control) RIN5F ECM 3 × 106* Not reported
Rasmussen et al., 2016b hESCs Directed S0 → S3 High aspect ratio polycarbonate nanopillars Fn 34.6 Small, tight 2D clusters. Elongated and aligned with nanopillars Soft Poor hESC adhesion on soft nanopillars. “Soft” surfaces promoted endoderm (S1) differentiation. Control had significantly higher PDX1 protein expression (S3) compared to test conditions.
Low aspect ratio polycarbonate nanopillars Fn 2800 Spread Stiff
Tissue culture polystyrene (control) Fn 3 × 106* Spread Stiff
Richardson et al., 2016 hESCs Directed S0 → S3 Low concentration barium alginate capsules N/A 3.9 ± 1.3 Larger circular 3D colonies Soft “Soft” capsules increase hESC proliferation and were highly PDX1+ (S3). Localized deposition of Col I and Lam in “soft” capsules. “Stiff” capsules support endodermal (S1) differentiation but downregulates pancreatic differentiation.
High concentration barium alginate capsules N/A 73.2 ± 22.4 Small, growth restricted 3D colonies and large, elongated 3D colonies Stiff
Kim et al., 2019 Rat islets and PSCs Directed S0 → S7 dECM bio-ink Human pdECM 3 Not reported - Insulin secretion and maturation were enhanced in cells cultured in pdECM bioinks compared to 2D tissue culture polystyrene (TCPS), alginate gels, and collagen gels
Collagen gel Col I 100 Not reported
Tissue culture polystyrene (control) 3 × 106*
Hogrebe et al., 2020 PSCs Directed S0 → S7 Tall collagen I gel Col I N/A Not reported Soft Decreased stiffness via increasing gel height promotes overall endocrine induction (increases NGN3, NKX2.2, NEUROD1 and decreases SOX9, NKX6.1 expression)
Short collagen I gel Col I N/A Not reported Stiff
Pennarossa et al., 2018 Mouse dermal fibroblasts Transdifferentiation Polyacrylamide hydrogels Col I 0.1 2D epithelioid structure in small, scattered clusters Soft Improved transdifferentiation toward monohormonal pancreatic endocrine cells on soft substrates
Tissue culture polystyrene (control) Col I 3 × 106* 3D spherical structures Stiff

Fn, fibronectin; Lam, laminin; Col, collagen; pdECM, pancreatic decellularized extracellular matrix. *Stiffness of polystyrene shown for reference taken from Gilbert et al. (2010). +Cell morphology details taken from previous work from same group (Maldonado, 2015).