Ratio of the number of PLHIV targeted for TPT completion to the number of PLHIV targeted to initiate ART—29 PEPFAR programs, October 2019–September 2020.*† * 18 PEFPAR-supported country or regional programs in which the ratio of number of PLHIV targeted for TPT completion to number of PLHIV targeted to initiate ART is >1, indicating more PLHIV are targeted for TPT completion than PLHIV initiating ART. In these programs, achieving TPT targets may require provision of TPT to PLHIV already stable on ART and who may be receiving HIV care through differentiated service delivery. † Data source: PEPFAR Data for Accountability, Transparency, and Impact fiscal year 2020 targets, except for PLHIV targeted for TPT completion from Kenya and Nigeria, which come from Country Operational Plan 2019 planning level letters for fiscal year 2020 targets. PLHIV = people living with HIV; TPT = tuberculosis preventive treatment; ART = antiretroviral treatment; PEPFAR = US President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief.