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. 2020 Oct 21;17(7):1327–1331. doi: 10.1016/j.sapharm.2020.10.008

Table 1.

Pharmacist characteristics and COVID-19 preparedness (N = 62).

Variable Mean (SD) or N (%)
Pharmacist characteristics
Age (range: 28–71 years) 44.1 (10.9)
Male gender 33 (53)
White race 59 (95)
Years practiced as pharmacist (range: 1–50) 20.6 (12.2)
Highest pharmacy degree
 PharmD 41 (66)
 BSPharm 18 (29)
 Other 2 (3)
Pharmacy Characteristics
 Independent 55 (89)
 Grocery chain 4 (7)
 National chain 2 (3)
Has drive-through 32 (52)
Is CLIA-waivered siteb 24 (39)
 Alabama 17 (27)
 Arkansas 9 (15)
 Mississippi 6 (10)
 North Carolina 17 (27)
 South Carolina 13 (21)
 Large rural town (RUCA 4–6) 26 (42)
 Small rural town (RUCA 7–9) 23 (37)
 Isolated rural town (RUCA 10) 13 (21)

COVID-19 information sources
 CDC 54 (84)
 State health department 48 (77)
 State pharmacy association 44 (71)
 National pharmacy association 32 (52)
 Local news outlet 25 (40)
 Local health department 16 (26)
 National news/media outlet 15 (24)
 School/college of pharmacy 8 (13)
Received conflicting COVID-19 information
31 (50)
Mean (SD) or N (%)
COVID-19 testing
Can recognize patients who should be tested for COVID-19
 Strongly disagree 1 (2)
 Somewhat disagree 2 (3)
 Neither agree nor disagree 9 (15)
 Somewhat agree 36 (58)
 Strongly agree 14 (23)

Knows where to refer patients for COVID-19 testing
 Strongly disagree 5 (8)
 Somewhat disagree 3 (5)
 Neither agree nor disagree 3 (5)
 Somewhat agree 17 (27)
 Strongly agree 34 (54)

Is interested in offering COVID-19 testing at their pharmacy
 Not at all interested 17 (27)
 Slightly interested 19 (31)
 Fairly interested 15 (24)
 Very interested 11 (18)

Disaster Preparedness
Pharmacy is well-prepared to respond to COVID-19
 Strongly disagree 2 (3)
 Somewhat disagree 6 (10)
 Neither agree nor disagree 11 (18)
 Somewhat agree 33 (53)
 Strongly agree 10 (16)

Feels prepared as a pharmacist to respond to COVID-19
 Strongly disagree 2 (3)
 Somewhat disagree 3 (5)
 Neither agree nor disagree 9 (15)
 Somewhat agree 35 (57)
 Strongly agree 13 (21)
Has participated in an actual emergency response in the past 5 years (other than COVID-19) 6 (10)

Pharmacy has a disaster preparedness plan
 Yes 45 (73)
 No 11 (18)
 Unsure 6 (10)

Believes pharmacy's disaster preparedness plan is adequate for COVID-19 (N = 45) 33 (73)

All pharmacies have a rural-urban commuting area (RUCA) code greater than or equal to four.8


CLIA sets federal regulatory standards for all clinical laboratory testing. A CLIA waiver allows for use of simple tests with low risk of incorrect results. Most point-of-care tests are CLIA waived tests.