Table A1.
Variable | Mean | St.Dev. |
Panel A: All 5 Cities | ||
758 | 710 | |
2682 | 3110 | |
803 | 1119 | |
% | -70 | 13 |
0.49 | 0.05 | |
0.49 | 0.05 | |
41,387 | 22,083 | |
37 | 5 | |
87,026 | 43,312 | |
24 | 28 | |
Observations | 448 | |
Panel B: NYC SafeGraph Panel | ||
69 | 108 | |
63 | 26 | |
0.42 | 0.04 | |
0.72 | 0.02 | |
51,887 | 24,919 | |
38 | 5 | |
82,318 | 46,052 | |
24 | 25 | |
Observations | 2045 | |
Panel C: NYC Turnstile Panel | ||
74 | 113 | |
71 | 26 | |
0.51 | 0.05 | |
0.50 | 0.05 | |
54,828 | 25,561 | |
36 | 4 | |
87,855 | 57,939 | |
21 | 22 | |
Observations | 1399 |
Notes: Case data from specific cities’ or counties’ health departments as in Section 2. Trips pre- and during COVID-19 from SafeGraph. Share telecommute and share essential as in Sections 2 and 3.1. Population, age, income and share African American from 2018 ACS data. Panel A uses cross-sectional data for all zips in the 5 cities. Panel B uses all zip codes in NYC from 2020w11 - 2020w23. Panel C uses all zip codes with subway turnstiles in NYC from 2020w11 - 2020w23.