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. 2020 Oct 21;127:103292. doi: 10.1016/j.jue.2020.103292

Table A3.

NYC cases by borough.

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
ln(Casesi) NYC ln(Casesi) The Bronx ln(Casesi) Brooklyn ln(Casesi) Manhattan ln(Casesi) Queens ln(Casesi) Staten Island
Panel A: OLS
%ΔTripsi 0.010*** 0.001 0.015* 0.007 0.004 0.008
(0.003) (0.005) (0.008) (0.010) (0.006) (0.004)
R-Sq. 0.437 0.645 0.544 0.624 0.262 0.892
Obs. 159 20 34 32 48 10
Panel B: Reduced form IV
ShareTelei 7.542*** 0.711 2.125 3.075 7.132*** 4.462
(0.883) (1.968) (2.212) (2.054) (2.640) (5.153)
ShareEssi 7.660*** 1.024 9.305*** 3.478* 5.345* 3.188
(0.859) (2.813) (1.806) (2.021) (2.945) (5.446)
R-Sq. 0.629 0.704 0.770 0.673 0.370 0.826
Obs. 159 20 34 32 48 10
Panel C: IV
%ΔTripsi^ 0.068*** 0.007 0.058** 0.135 0.081 0.006
(0.020) (0.008) (0.025) (0.156) (0.062) (0.011)
Root MSE 0.487 0.079 0.288 0.577 0.551 0.088
Obs. 159 20 34 32 48 10
F-Stat. 22.199 10.058 4.028 2.613 1.607 1.754
%AfAmi X X X X X X
ln(Agei) X X X X X X
ln(Inci) X X X X X X

Notes: This table is analogous to Table 2 in the main text, but compares cases across boroughs in NYC instead of different cities. All columns control for log of healthcare employment. Panels A shows results from Eq. (1). Panel B shows the reduced form IV regression results from ln(TotalCasesi)=α+β1ShareTelei+β2ShareEssi+ΓXi+εi. Panel C shows results from Eq. (1.2), adding additional demographic controls, Xi: ln(TotalCasesi)=α+β%ΔTripsi^+ΓXi+εi. Robust standard errors in parentheses. Significance: *p<0.10,**p<0.05,***p<0.01.