Table 1. Propensity of terms in co-review policies.
Term | Variants | Term frequency | Proportion of policies that contain term |
review | review; reviewers; reviewer | 100 | 93% |
manuscript | manuscript; manuscripts | 43 | 75% |
editor | editor; editors | 33 | 73% |
confidenti | confidential; confidentiality | 26 | 63% |
not | not | 24 | 60% |
inform | information; inform; informed | 19 | 51% |
colleagu | colleague; colleagues | 18 | 49% |
student | students; student | 14 | 34% |
discuss | discuss; discussed; discussion | 12 | 32% |
involv | involved; involve; involving | 12 | 32% |
consult | consult; consulted; consulting | 12 | 32% |
permiss | permission | 11 | 31% |
disclos | disclosed; disclose | 12 | 29% |
author | authors; author; authorization | 11 | 29% |
peer | peer | 10 | 29% |
journal | journal | 10 | 28% |
share | share; shared; sharing | 9 | 25% |
collabor | collaborate; collaborators; collaborating | 10 | 24% |
advic | advice | 8 | 23% |
ident | identities; identity | 8 | 23% |
Terms in the column “Terms” were stemmed using the function `wordStem`from the SnowballC R package. “Variants” displays the three most common variants for a given term as they appear in our data. Sometimes only one variant (e.g. peer, journal) was present in the data. Further context is provided in S2 Table which lists one sampled sentence for each term variant.