Table 3.
Functional activation elicited by MID, SST, and EF task.
Title | Authors | Journal plus year | Number of participants | Age in years (mean) | fMRI task | Main finding |
Examination of the neural basis of psychotic-like experiences in adolescence during reward processing | Papanastasiou et al. | Journal of American Psychiatry, 2018 | All participants (N = 298) |
Baseline (14.47, SD = 0.39) Follow-up (19.02, SD = 0.76) |
Monetary incentive delay task (MID) | Between baseline and follow-up, brain activation in two regions within the left and right middle frontal gyri increasedduring reward anticipation (p = 0.02; p = 0.03, respectively); there was no main group effect between high vs low psychotic-like experiences. |
Epigenetic variance in dopamine D2 receptor: a marker of IQ malleability? | Kaminski et al. | Translational Psychiatry, 2018 |
All participants (N = 1475) |
All participants (14.43, SD = 0.45) | Functional striatal activation elicited by temporarily surprising reward-predicting cues (from MID task) as well as polygenic scores for intelligence and epigenetic modification of DRD2 gene and gray matter density in striatum were associated with general IQ | |
Blunted ventral striatal responses to anticipated rewards foreshadow problematic drug use in novelty-seeking adolescents | Büchel et al. | Nature Communications, 2017 |
Healthy controls (N = 72) Problematic drug use (N = 72) |
Healthy controls (14.48, SD 0.40) Problematic drug use (14.38, SD 0.45) |
During reward anticipation, lower functional activation in dorsolateral PFC, ventral striatum and midbrain predict drug use at age 16 | |
Ventral Striatum Connectivity During Reward Anticipation in Adolescent Smokers | Lee et al. | Developmental neuropsychology, 2016 | All (N = 206) | All Participants (~ 14, SD not reported) | Increased smoking frequency was associated with increased connectivity between ventral striatum and regions involved in saliency and valuation, including the orbitofrontal cortex during reward anticipation and with reduced connectivity with regions associated with inhibition and risk aversion, including the right inferior frontal gyrus | |
Disentangling the autism−anxiety overlap: fMRI of reward processing in a community-based longitudinal study | Mikita et al. | Translational psychiatry, 2016 |
Reward anticipation (N = 1472) Negative feedback (N = 1601) Positive feedback (N = 1726) |
Baseline (14.4, SD not reported) Feedback (~16, SD not reported) |
Participants with autism spectrum disorder (ADS) traits had reduced BOLD responses in dorsal prefrontal regions during reward anticipation and negative feedback (p = 0.001). High anxiety symptoms were correlated with increased lateral prefrontal responses during reward anticipation and decreased responses to reward feedback (p < 0.05). Interaction between ASD and anxiety showed significantly lower activations compared to ASD alone. | |
The brain’s response to reward anticipation and depression in adolescence: dimensionality, specificity, and longitudinal predictions in a community-based sample | Stringaris et al. | The American Journal of Psychiatry, 2015 |
Healthy subjects Baseline (N = 123) Follow-up (N = 902) Subthreshold depression Baseline (N = 101) Follow-up (N = 68) Clinical depression Baseline (N = 22) Follow-up (N = 29) |
Healthy subjects Baseline (14.4, SD 0.4) Follow-up (16.4, SD 0.4) Subthreshold depression Baseline (14.5, SD 0.4) Follow-up (16.4, SD 0.4) Clinical depression Baseline (14.4, SD 0.3) Follow-up (16.5, SD 0.3–0.5) |
Bilaterally lower vs activation elicited by reward anticipation in groups with subthreshold and clinical depression compared to healthy group (p < 0.005). Low ventral left (EF = 0.050) and right (EF = 0.047) striatal activation during reward anticipation predicted transition to subthreshold or clinical depression in previously healthy adolescents at 2-year follow-up | |
No differences in ventral striatum responsivity between adolescents with a positive family history of alcoholism and controls | Müller et al. | Addiction Biology, 2014 |
Family history positive (FHD+) (N = 206) Family history negative (FHD−) (N = 206) FH+ (N = 77) FH− (N = 77) |
FHD+ (14.7, SD 0.4) FHD− (14.7, SD 0.3) |
Reward anticipation as well as reward feedback elicited activation in the ventral striatum in all participants, no significant differences between adolescents with versus without a positive family history for alcohol use disorders | |
Altered reward processing in adolescents with prenatal exposure to maternal cigarette smoking | Müller et al. | JAMA Psychiatry, 2013 |
Participants exposed to intrauterine maternal smoking (N = 177) Nonexposed (N = 177) |
Exposed (14.7, SD 0.4) Nonexposed (14.6, SD 0.4) |
In adolescents prenatally exposed to cigarette smoke,reward anticipation but not feedback elicited a weaker functional activation of the right (EF = 0.04) and left (EF=) ventral striatum during reward anticipation | |
A target sample of adolescents and reward processing: same neural and behavioral correlates engaged in common paradigms? | Nees et al. | Experimental Brain Research, 2012 | All participants (N = 54) | All Participants (~14, SD not reported) | Magnitude sensitive functional activation in VS response during reward anticipation (p = 0.036) and magnitude independent activation in the anterior cingulate cortex during feedback | |
Risk taking and the adolescent reward system: a potential common link to substance abuse | Schneider et al. | American Journal of Psychiatry, 2012 | All participants (N = 266) | All participants (14.5, SD 0.4) | With increasing risk-taking bias, the ventral striatum showed decreased activation bilaterally during reward anticipation (EF = 0.57 and EF = 0.52) | |
Maternal interpersonal affiliation is associated with adolescents’ brain structure and reward processing | Schneider et al. | Translational Psychiatry, 2012 | All participants (N = 63) | All participants (14.24, SD 0.25) | Maternal affiliation was significantly associated with ventral striatal (EF = 0.89) and caudate activation (EF = 1.1942) during reward feedback in female participants only | |
Determinants of early alcohol use in healthy adolescents:the differential contribution of neuroimaging and psychological factors | Nees F et al. | Neuropsychopharmacology, 2012 | All participants (N = 324) | All participants (~14, SD not reported) | Reward-associated behavior, personality, and brain responses all contributed to alcohol intake with personality explaining a higher proportion of the variance (explained variance 16%) than behavior (explained variance 0.6%) and brain responses (explained variance 0.4%). | |
Lower ventral striatal activation during reward anticipation in adolescent smokers | Peters et al | The American Journal of Psychiatry, 2011 | All participants (N = 86) | All participants (~14, SD not reported) | Neural responses in the ventral striatum during reward anticipation were significantly lower in the smokers than in the comparison subjects (p < 0.001), and in the smokers this response was correlated with smoking frequency. | |
Distinct brain structure and behavior related to ADHD and conduct disorder traits | Bayard et al. | Molecular Psychiatry, 2018 | All participants (N = 1093) | All participants (14.47, SD 0.39) | Stop Signal Task (SST) | ADHD score correlated with SSRT (p = 0.021), while CD score did not (p = 0.740). This mirrored structural findings on prefrontal and anterior cingulate region. |
Separate neural systems for behavioral change and for emotional responses to failure during behavioral inhibition | Deng et al. | Human Brain Mapping, 2017 | All participants (N = 1709) | All participants (~14, SD not reported) | Succesful inhibition was related to activation in the lateral orbitofrontal cortex, inferior frontal gyrus and the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) (p < 0.05). Second, the anterior cingulate and anterior insula (AI) were activated more on failure trials (p < 0.05) | |
Neural and cognitive correlates of the common and specific variance across externalizing problems in young adolescence | Castellanos-Ryan et al. | The American Journal of Psychiatry, 2014 | All participants (N = 1778) |
Baseline (14.4, SD 0.35) Follow-up (~ 16, SD not reported) |
Impulsivity at age 14 significantly predicted the general externalizing factor at age 16, sensation-seeking at age 14 predicted substance misuse at age 16, and go/no-go commission errors as well as lower BOLD response in bilateral frontal cortex during failed inhibition at age 14 predicted ADHD/conduct disorder at age 16 | |
Functional neuroimaging predictors of self-reportedpsychotic symptoms in adolescents | Bourque et al. | The American Journal of Psychiatry, 2017 |
Baseline (N = 300) Follow-up (N = 1196) |
Baseline: subjects with psychotic-like symptoms (14.4; SD 0.31) versus no symptoms (14.35; SD 0.38). Follow-up at age 16 |
Emotional faces SST MID |
Youths reporting psychotic-like experiencesshowed increased hippocampus/amygdala activity during processing of neutral faces (EF = 0.987). When controlling for baseline psychotic-like experiences and cannabis use, hyperactivation of the hippocampus/amygdala was the most prominent regional difference at age 16 in participants with mood fluctuation and psychotic symptoms versus subjects without such symptoms. |
Psychosocial stress and brain function in adolescent psychopathology. | Quinlan et al. | American Journal of Psychiatry, 2017 | All participants (N = 1288) | All participants (14.4, SD 0.40) | Emotional faces task | Conduct or hyperactivity/inattention symptoms in combination with a higher number of stressful life events showed stronger right amygdala activation (EF = 0.1733) |
Neural correlates of three types of negative life events during angry face processing in adolescents | Gollier-Briant et al. | Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 2016 |
Baseline (N = 685) Follow-up (N = 523) |
Baseline (14, SD not reported) Follow-up (16, SD not reported) |
Lifetime ‘distress’ positively correlated with orbitofrontal (p = 0.005) and temporal cortex activations (p = 0.007) during angry face processing. | |
Cannabis use in early adolescence: evidence of amygdala hypersensitivity to signals of threat | Spechler et al. | Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 2015 | All participants (N = 140) | All participants (14 SD not reported) | Higher amygdala activation elicited by angry versus neutral faces in cannabis users only, potentially indicating hypersensitivity to stress | |
Hormonal contraceptives, menstrual cycle and brain response to faces | Mareckova et al. | Social cognitive and affective neuroscience, 2014 | All participants (N = 110) | All participants (14.5, SD not reported) | Response in the left FFA elicited by emotional faces was higher in the group taking contraceptives versus freely cycling females and during mid-cycle versus menstruation (EF = 0.49) | |
Do you see what i see? Sex differences in the discrimination of facial emotions during adolescence | Lee et al. | Emotion, 2013 | All participants (N = 1951) | All participants (14 SD not reported) | Female participants showed faster and more sensitive perception of facial emotions than boys. Both sexes overidentified happiness and anger | |
Creating probabilistic maps of the face network in the adolescent brain: a multicenter functional MRI study | Tahmasebi et al. | Human Brain Mapping, 2012 | All participants (N = 1110) | All participants (14.5, SD 0.4) | Identification of 21 brain regions with high probability for responding to faces. Stronger neural response to ambiguous faces in the fusiform face area and further regions in female versus male adolescents, slightly stronger response to angry faces in the amygdala of male versus female adolescents | |
Boys do it the right way: sex-dependent amygdala lateralization during face processing in adolescents | Schneider et al. | Neuroimage, 2011 | Female (N = 235) Male (N = 235) |
Female(14.48, SD 0.4) Male (14.47, SD 0.4) |
Emotional faces elicit stronger right amygdale activation in males versus females (EF = 0.3279) |