Figure 5.
Late body axis rotation (Stage 36). (A–AII) Metamorphosing larva, seen from the left side (A), its medial sagittal optic section (AI), and its depth-coded image (AII). The depth information is represented by a heat map: warmer colors go to the front, and cooler colors to the back. Color bar: value of depth (μm). CLSM. Enlargement is the same in A–AII. (B–BI) Two sagittal sections of a metamorphosing larva. In B, lines on the larval trunk, labeled by C and D–DIII, indicate levels of the transverse section and the frontal sections shown in C and D–DIII, respectively. Asterisks: protostigmata. Toluidine blue. Enlargement is the same in B–BI. (C) Transverse section of the metamorphosing larva at endostyle and oral siphon level. Note the differentiating eight zones in endostyle (1–8). Toluidine blue. (D–DIII) Serial frontal histological sections of a metamorphosing larva from the dorsal (D) to ventral (DIII) sides. Toluidine blue. Enlargement is the same in D–DIII. brc: branchial chamber; cil duc: ciliated duct of neural gland; ds: dorsal sinus; dst: dorsal strand; es: endostyle; hc: haemocytes; ht: heart; lbr: larval brain remnant; mi: medium intestine; mc: myocardium; ng: neural gland; oes: oesophagus; os: oral siphon; osm: oral siphon muscle; pb: peripharyngeal band; pc: pericardium; pg: pyloric gland; prox int: proximal intestine; rph: raphe; rpsm: right protostigmata; stom: stomach; tail remn: tail remnants; tun: runic; tunc: tunic cells; ve: velum.