Figure 2.
Effects of Mito-ATO analogs on the oxygen consumption induced by mitochondrial complexes I and III. (A) Dose-dependent effect of Mito10-ATO on complex I- and complex III-dependent oxygen consumption was measured in MiaPaCa-2 cells. MiaPaCa-2 cells were treated with Mito-ATO for 24 h. Relative complex I (1.5 mM malate, 10 mM pyruvate, 10 mM ADP)-driven OCR (left) and relative complex III (0.5 mM duroquinol, 10 mM ADP)-driven OCR (right) were monitored by XF-96 analyser. Either Rot (complex I inhibitor) or antimycin A (AA, complex III inhibitor) was acutely added and OCR assayed immediately. (B) The mitochondrial complex I (left)- and III (right)-driven OCR (calculated as Rot or AA inhibitable OCR) are plotted against the concentration of ATO and Mito-ATO analogs. Dashed lines represent the fitting curves used for determination of the IC50 values. (n.a., not applicable).