a, Outline of the Scn5a construct that was used to generate the F/S/F-Scn5a mouse, previously described28, and the breeding scheme of the LLO118+Scn5a+Cd4-creErt2+ line. Upon tamoxifen treatment, ectopic Scn5a expression in peripheral CD4+ T cells can be detected by GFP expression. b, Representative flow plots depicting GFP detection in CD4+ T cells from LLO118+Scn5a+Cd4-creErt2+ mice 7 days post-tamoxifen treatment. Both the LLO118+Scn5a+Cd4-creErt2+ mouse and its littermate control were treated with tamoxifen. c-e, Flow cytometry analysis of CD5, Ly6C, and TCRβ MFI in LLO118 GFP+ and GFP− T cells from LLO118+Scn5a+Cd4-creErt2+ mice 7 days post-tamoxifen treatment. Data points are the paired GFP+ and GFP− populations from individually treated mice; three independent experiments (n=7). f, Analysis of LLO118+Scn5a+Cd4-creErt2+ GFP+ T cell expansion during a primary immune response. LLO118+Scn5a+Cd4-creErt2+ and LLO118+Scn5a−Cd4-creErt2+ mice were treated with tamoxifen and 7 days later CD4+ T cells were enriched and transferred into Tcra−/− recipients. The following day, recipients were immunized with NP-LLOLT-N. Graphs show the frequency of GFP+ cells in the LLO118 populations immediately prior to the transfer (unstimulated, left graph) and 7 days post-immunization (d7, right graph). Three independent experiments (n=7 for LLO118+Scn5a+Cd4-creErt2+ and n=9 for LLO118+Scn5a−Cd4-creErt2+). Mean ± SEM are shown. g, In the same experiments as (f), in vivo-activated LLO118+Scn5a+Cd4-creErt2+ cells were also analyzed at day 7 post-immunization for the frequency of Tfh cells within the GFP+ and GFP− populations. ****p < 0.0001, **p < 0.01, *p < 0.05. Paired t test or Wilcoxon matched-pairs signed rank test for nonnormally distributed data (c-e, g). Unpaired t test or Mann-Whitney test for nonnormally distributed data (f).