FIG. 1.
Survival, hatching, and morphological defect rates for AB embryos exposed to low NaOCl or high NaOCl surface disinfection protocols. (A) Data from 6 HPF AB embryos exposed to EM alone during surface disinfection. (B) Data from 6 HPF AB embryos exposed to MethB+EM during surface disinfection. (C) Data from 24 HPF AB embryos exposed to EM alone during surface disinfection. (D) Data from 24 HPF AB embryos exposed to MethB+EM surface disinfection. Statistical significance of survival or hatching when experimental groups are compared with control groups are indicated by * and #. Groups with and without MethB were evaluated separately (*p < 0.0001 and #p = 0.004, Fisher's exact test). a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, and i with bars denotes statistical significance when low NaOCl group in EM is compared with experimental groups with and without MethB (a: p = 0.0005 for hatching, b: p = 0.001 for survival and p < 0.0001 for hatching, c: p < 0.0001 for hatching, d: p = 0.04 for survival and p < 0.0001 for hatching, e: p = 0.03 for survival, f: p < 0.0001 for survival, g: p = 0.003 for hatching and p = 0.0049 for survival, h: p = 0.0015 for survival, and i: p < 0.0001 for survival and hatching, Fisher's exact test). EM, embryo medium; high NaOCl, 100 ppm sodium hypochlorite; HPF, hours postfertilization; low NaOCl, 50 ppm sodium hypochlorite; MethB, methylene blue; MethB+EM, methylene blue with embryo medium; NaThio, sodium thiosulfate; Pron, pronase.