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. 2020 Oct;87:102473. doi: 10.1016/j.trd.2020.102473

Table 3.

Estimated parameters for the two mode-destination choice models.

Description of parameter Model 1
(without individual characteristics)
Model 2
(with individual characteristics)
value p-value value p-value
Alternate specific constant for car 0.00 <fixed> 0.00 <fixed>
 Persons in routine or semi-routine occupations using car mode 0.884 0.00
Alternate specific constant for bus −0.585 0.00 −0.828 0.00
 Females using bus mode 0.459 0.00
Alternate specific constant for train −2.42 0.00 −1.98 0.00
 Old persons (>60 years) using train mode −1.32 0.00
Alternate specific constant for walk −1.18 0.00 −0.981 0.00
Destination attractiveness (log of number of job opportunities by occupation type) 2.40 0.00 2.42 0.00
Travel time by bus −0.0655 0.00 −0.0691 0.00
 Travel time by bus for persons from low income households 0.0070 0.00
Travel time by train −0.0254 0.00 −0.0232 0.00
Travel time by car −0.0931 0.00 −0.0984 0.00
Travel time by walk −0.0641 0.00 −0.0636 0.00
 Travel time by walk for females with children (<5 years) in the house −0.0296 0.00
Travel cost by bus −0.340 0.00 −0.204 0.03
Travel cost by train −0.109 0.00 −0.230 0.00
 Travel cost by train for persons from low income households* −0.209 0.00
Travel distance by car −0.172 0.00 −0.168 0.00
Congestion charge, specific to the car mode −0.0732 0.00 −0.0742 0.00
Destinations located in zone 1 defined for train mode 0.531 0.00 0.719 0.00
Destinations located in zone 1 defined for car mode −1.25 0.00 −1.23 0.00
Destinations within 15 min walk defined for walk mode 1.24 0.00 1.23 0.00
Final log-likelihood −44,412.48 −44,181.09
Adjusted rho-square 0.280 0.283
AIC 88,854.96 88,404.17
BIC 89,094.90 88,740.09

Low income household is defined as having an income per person (household income/number of persons in the household) of less than £1000 per month.