ERACs Are Connected to the Intact ER Lumen and Lysosomes
(A–E) Serial images of an ERAC (A, red) with multiple small protrusions (A, arrows). The boxed regions in A1-3 are magnified in the inset (A2) or in other panels (B4 and D3). Magnified serial images of one ERAC protrusion connected to the intact ER lumen (B1-4, B1′-4′, arrows). The compartments associated with the connection are colored red (B1′-4′). Three-dimensional reconstruction of an ERAC (C, red) and intact ER (C, blue). Magnified serial electron microscopic images (D1-12) and 3D reconstruction (E) of one protrusion (D2-9, arrowheads, colored red) connected to an ERAC (partly colored red in D1-3) which is shown to be connected to the ER in B and C. The tip of the protrusion (D10-12, white arrowheads) exposed to the cytosol is connected to a lysosome (D9-12, colored purple). A three-dimensional reconstruction of an ERAC (E, red) and a lysosome (E, purple) is shown. The numbers in the upper-right corners indicate the respective slice within the electron microscopic image stack. Scale bars: 1 μm (A1) and 500 nm (B1, C, D1, and E). See also Figures S1 and S2 and Videos S1 and S2.