New Types of Learners:
How Can We More Effectively Meet the Education and Learning Needs of an Increasingly Diverse OSH Workforce?
Key Changes |
Important and Provocative Implications for OSH |
Recruit from diverse backgrounds (experiences and demographics)
Evolve and adapt systems and approaches to align with learners’ diverse needs and preferences
Empower learners to take active responsibility for their own (virtual) learning
Teach students to deal with uncertainty and offer services to help them keep pace with rapid changes
Establish new systems that recognize on-the-job training and assess competencies and skills required for work placement
Core requirements should meet today’s needs and fill today’s gaps, but they must also undergo continuous review for relevance
OSH educators will become irrelevant if they refuse to change and meet learners’ needs and programs lacking successful outcomes (e.g., job placement) may disappear
Non-traditional credentials require valid, effective assessment, accreditation, and marketing to be accepted and respected by science and industry
New Types of Learning:
In What Ways Can We Expand Our Learning Offerings to More Effectively Engage Future OSH Professionals?
Key Changes |
Important and Provocative Implications for OSH |
Expand dual degree offerings and provide menu-driven curricula to facilitate OSH specialization
Learn to be nimble: Implement flexible, modular, nontraditional learning and teaching modalities (e.g., digital and virtual platforms; lifelong learning)
Actively combat the loss of social interaction and teamwork that can come with nontraditional (e.g., online) learning
Early and frequent exposure to OSH through problem-based learning and cooperative experiences may help establish OSH as an accepted norm
Working with and in communities increases the applicability and transferability of training
Integrating virtual and augmented reality into online learning experiences will create new experiences for teachers and learners
New Things to Learn:
With the Rapid Pace of Change, What Content is Important for Future OSH Professionals to learn?
Key Changes |
Important and Provocative Implications for OSH |
Include digitalization, societal reliance on technology, and the human-technology interface as key OSH training topics
Teach from a biopsychosocial (rather than biomedical) model for OSH
Bring in multiple disciplines to create a transdisciplinary workforce
Provide instruction in organizational change and change management, and create opportunities to develop “soft skills” (e.g., social skills, communication skills, emotional intelligence)
Foster skills in a variety of data collection, management, analysis, and interpretation techniques
Expanding OSH paradigms by integrating aspects of Total Worker Health® (e.g., personal and societal risk factors, worker well-being) will create systems thinkers
Knowledge and skills that are not traditionally a part of OSH will require new evaluation metrics
Trainers must have the right credentials and skills sets to teach new OSH topics