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. 2020 Sep 27;17(19):7070. doi: 10.3390/ijerph17197070

Table 2.

Quality of included studies (n = 35).

Author and Year Sample Selection Criteria (Maximum of 4 Stars) Comparability (Maximum 2 Stars) Outcome (Maximum 1 Star) Summary Score (Maximum of 7 Stars)
Representativeness of the Sample Sample Size Non-Respondents Ascertainment of the Satisfaction Level Comparability of Subjects in Different Outcome Groups; Control of Confounding Factors. Assessment
of the Outcome from Patient’s Point of View
Wenya, Yu et al., 2016. Shanghai Truly representative of the average in the target population * Justified and satisfactory * Comparability between respondents’ and nonrespondents’ characteristics is established, and the response rate is satisfactory * Validated measurement tool * The study controls for the most important factor **; Self-report * 7
Liyang Tang, 2011 Somewhat representative of the average in the target population * Justified and satisfactory * Comparability between respondents’ and nonrespondents’ characteristics is established, and the response rate is satisfactory * Non validated measurement tool, but the tool is available or described *; The study controls for the most important factor **; Self-report * 7
Jing Sun, et al., 2017
Laiyang Wu, et al., 2016
Truly representative of the average in the target population * Justified and satisfactory * No description Non validated measurement tool, but the tool is available or described *; The study controls for the most important factor **; Self-report * 6
Jay Pan, et al., 2015 Truly representative of the average in the target population * Justified and satisfactory * Comparability between respondents’ and nonrespondents’ characteristics is established, and the response rate is satisfactory * Validated measurement tool * The study controls for the most important factor **; Self-report * 7
Jinghua Li et al., 2016 Truly representative of the average in the target population * Justified and satisfactory * Comparability between respondents’ and nonrespondents’ characteristics is established, and the response rate is satisfactory * Non validated measurement tool, but the tool is available or described *; The study controls for the most important factor **; Self-report * 7
Jinzhu Xie, et al., 2017 Somewhat representative of the average in the target population * Not justified Comparability between respondents’ and nonrespondents’ characteristics is established, and the response rate is satisfactory * Non validated measurement tool, but the tool is available or described *; The study controls for the most important factor **; Self-report * 6
Chunlei Han et al., 2000 Truly representative of the average in the target population * Not justified Comparability between respondents’ and nonrespondents’ characteristics is established, and the response rate is satisfactory * Non validated measurement tool, but the tool is available or described *; data not adjusted for all relevant confounders Self-report * 4
Qing Lu et al., 2016 Truly representative of the average in the target population * Not justified Comparability between respondents’ and nonrespondents’ characteristics is established, and the response rate is satisfactory * Non validated measurement tool, but the tool is available or described *; NA Self-report * 4
Jing Zhao et al., 2015 Truly representative of the average in the target population * Not justified Comparability between respondents’ and nonrespondents’ characteristics is established, and the response rate is satisfactory * Non validated measurement tool, but the tool is available or described *; NA Self-report * 4
Wenlong Hu et al., 2007 Truly representative of the average in the target population * Not justified Comparability between respondents’ and nonrespondents’ characteristics is established, and the response rate is satisfactory * Non validated measurement tool, but the tool is available or described *; NA Self-report * 4
Yanxia Yang et al., 2015 Truly representative of the average in the target population * Not justified Comparability between respondents’ and nonrespondents’ characteristics is established, and the response rate is satisfactory * Non validated measurement tool, but the tool is available or described *; data not adjusted for all relevant confounders Self-report * 4
Rong Xu and Xinzhen Jing. 2004 Somewhat representative of the average in the target population * Not justified No description Validated measurement tool * NA Self-report * 3
Junjie Sun and Shuangqing Li, 2018 Somewhat representative of the average in the target population * Not justified Comparability between respondents’ and nonrespondents’ characteristics is established, and the response rate is satisfactory * Validated measurement tool * data not adjusted for all relevant confounders Self-report * 4
Zhanwei Zhou, et al., 2011 Truly representative of the average in the target population * Justified and satisfactory * Comparability between respondents’ and nonrespondents’ characteristics is established, and the response rate is satisfactory * No description data not adjusted for all relevant confounders Self-report * 3
Caoxin, Bao, et al., 2015 Truly representative of the average in the target population * Justified and satisfactory * No description Validated measurement tool * NA Self-report * 4
Zhixiang, Teng, et al., 2009 Somewhat representative of the average in the target population * Not justified Response rate is unsatisfactory, or the comparability between respondents and nonrespondens is unsatisfactory; Validated measurement tool * NA Self-report * 3
Jing Luan, et al., 2013 Truly representative of the average in the target population * Justified and satisfactory * Comparability between respondents’ and nonrespondents’ characteristics is established, and the response rate is satisfactory * Validated measurement tool * NA Self-report * 5
Jianjie Zhang.
Truly representative of the average in the target population * Not justified Comparability between respondents’ and nonrespondents’ characteristics is established, and the response rate is satisfactory * Validated measurement tool * The study controls for the most important factor **; Self-report * 6
Chunhui, Ren. 2014 Selected group of patients Not justified Comparability between respondents’ and nonrespondents’ characteristics is established, and the response rate is satisfactory * Validated measurement tool * NA Self-report * 3
Weiming Shao et al., 2017 Truly representative of the average in the target population * Not justified Comparability between respondents’ and nonrespondents’ characteristics is established, and the response rate is satisfactory * Non validated measurement tool, but the tool is available or described *; NA Self-report * 4
Ying Zou et al., 2014 Truly representative of the average in the target population * Not justified Comparability between respondents’ and nonrespondents’ characteristics is established, and the response rate is satisfactory * Validated measurement tool * NA Independent blind assessment * 4
Mengzhu Deng et al., 2013 Somewhat representative of the average in the target population * Not justified Comparability between respondents’ and nonrespondents’ characteristics is established, and the response rate is satisfactory * Validated measurement tool * data not adjusted for all relevant confounders Self-report * 4
Huilan Luo et al., 2010 Truly representative of the average in the target population * Not justified Comparability between respondents’ and nonrespondents’ characteristics is established, and the response rate is satisfactory * Validated measurement tool * NA Self-report * 4
Zulipiye Tuerxun et al., 2016 Truly representative of the average in the target population * Not justified Comparability between respondents’ and nonrespondents’ characteristics is established, and the response rate is satisfactory * Non validated measurement tool, but the tool is available or described *; NA Self-report * 4
Jinping Shu and Dian Zhou, 2016 Truly representative of the average in the target population * Not justified Comparability between respondents’ and nonrespondents’ characteristics is established, and the response rate is satisfactory * Validated measurement tool * The study controls for the most important factor **; Self-report * 6
Kai Ling et al., 2009 Somewhat representative of the average in the target population * Not justified Comparability between respondents’ and nonrespondents’ characteristics is established, and the response rate is satisfactory * Non validated measurement tool, but the tool is available or described *; NA No description. 3
Yu Li, et al., 2011 Truly representative of the average in the target population * Not justified Comparability between respondents’ and nonrespondents’ characteristics is established, and the response rate is satisfactory * Non validated measurement tool, but the tool is available or described *; NA Self-report * 4
Qinghua Zhang and Zhanhe Liu.
Truly representative of the average in the target population * Not justified Comparability between respondents’ and nonrespondents’ characteristics is established, and the response rate is satisfactory * Non validated measurement tool, but the tool is available or described *; NA Self-report * 4
Zhifan Meng, et al., 2016 Truly representative of the average in the target population * Not justified Comparability between respondents’ and nonrespondents’ characteristics is established, and the response rate is satisfactory * Non validated measurement tool, but the tool is available or described *; NA Self-report * 4
Jun Song, et al., 2007 Truly representative of the average in the target population * Not justified Comparability between respondents’ and nonrespondents’ characteristics is established, and the response rate is satisfactory * Non validated measurement tool, but the tool is available or described *; NA Self-report * 4
Shi Guo, et al., 2014 Truly representative of the average in the target population * Not justified Comparability between respondents’ and nonrespondents’ characteristics is established, and the response rate is satisfactory * Non validated measurement tool, but the tool is available or described *; NA Self-report * 4
Xunming Ji, et al., 2010 Somewhat representative of the average in the target population * Not justified No description Non validated measurement tool, but the tool is available or described *; NA Self-report * 3
Li Ren and Haixuan Xu.2016 Truly representative of the average in the target population * Not justified No description Non validated measurement tool, but the tool is available or described *; NA Self-report * 3
Guanghao Jing and Shunfu Piao. 2011 Truly representative of the average in the target population * Not justified Comparability between respondents’ and nonrespondents’ characteristics is established, and the response rate is satisfactory * Non validated measurement tool, but the tool is available or described *; NA Self-report * 4
Lizhen, Deng and Suili, Rao
Truly representative of the average in the target population * Not justified Comparability between respondents’ and nonrespondents’ characteristics is established, and the response rate is satisfactory * Non validated measurement tool, but the tool is available or described *; NA Self-report * 4

* the detailed explanation of the number of the stars were in Supplementary Material 2. NA means not applicable and represented that the study did not investigated the factors influencing the outpatient satisfaction.