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. 2020 Sep 25;17(19):7025. doi: 10.3390/ijerph17197025
FG 6 BoyIt depends on how many people are following you. Often, when you have more people who are following you, there is more people that will see your picture so they will like it more, but if for example we just start on some social networks sites, well we won’t have many followers, so not a lot of likes on the pictures, not many comments. Anyway, we post that, not really to… well it’s nice to have some reactions, but it’s to share, share nice moments.
Girl 1Me, I like even if I don’t like the picture
Girl 2Me it’s as if I was showing that I’ve seen the picture, like I don’t really care about the like, I like every picture and that’s it
FG 4 BoyIt’s just to share, maybe a good time or things like that. But not necessarily any reactions. Even if there is the comments and the like, but I don’t think that there is really expectancies of reaction