FG 3 |
Girl 1 “Alcohol is… I mean alcohol for me, if you don’t drink much, all the time and so on, it’s not really bad” Girl 2 “but not at our age” Girl 3 “yeah, that’s it” Girl 2 “I think, well there are a lot that are doing it at our age. Because generations… I mean, I, personally, I notice that the generations… more… for example, before in 6th grade (Equivalent of 6ème in France, 6th grade in United States of America and Germany, 7th grade in UK; approximatively 11 years old), there was nobody with mobile phone. Now, in 6th grade they all have an IPhone. And I think that’s too much. And thus they think they are grown up, so they think they can drink alcohol, smoke…” Girl 1 “There are people at school, when they invite each other’s, they drink, smoke shisha, they are… I mean… they do what they want, but not for me.” Girl 3 “They put that on Snapchat for example” Interviewer “Why do you say it’s too early? Is there eventually an age limit or…” Girl 3 “No but not our age” Girl 2 “Not an age limit but you shouldn’t…” Girl 1 “it should be over used” Girl 2 “that’s it” Girl 1 “With my family when there are birthdays, my parents they are like “oh you can have a small glass”, but that’s it. They are not like go ahead drink anything you want, no it’s just one glass. And if I don’t want any, they won’t oblige me to. My mother she says “if you don’t drink, I am really happy like that”… I mean… That’s it, a glass, for me it’s fine.” Girl 3 “Me I don’t drink, I don’t like that” […] Girl 2 “For example, I have celebrated the new year evening with my friends and there was other people who did it with their friends; well they had a lot of alcohol, whereas us we didn’t have any. It depends on the people, because for some it’s normal that at our age… yeah that’s it.” Girl 1 “they want to be the grown up” […] Interviewer “So if I understand it well, for you and today, you say that it’s not necessarily for you and you won’t necessarily drink much alcohol or when you have birthdays and on, but maybe that in two years times, maybe it would be more… normal?” Girl 2 “Yes” Girl 1 “Yeas that’s it” Girl 3 “I think that at the moment it’s not for our age” |
FG 7 | Girl (talking about two profiles) “Both of them had a bit of alcohol. I mean I think they are older than us. So, well, it’s totally normal” |