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. 2020 Sep 25;17(19):7025. doi: 10.3390/ijerph17197025
FG 6 InterviewerWhen we mention the term alcohol, what comes to your mind?
Girl 1 & 2me being intoxicated
BoyBe drunk, because drinking alcohol from time to time is harmless
Girl 1personally, I’m scared, I don’t know, I don’t like it
Girl 2it’s to be used in moderation [laugh] until you don’t drink… I mean, I, I don’t drink alcohol, but I mean if adults, they are drunk once a year and on at a party, for a birthday, it’s not gonna kill them like
Girl 1For me, I don’t say I will never drink, but I don’t know, I’m afraid to get drunk [laugh]
Boywell you have to drink quite a lot to get drunk
FG 7 Girl 1 I have the image of the person who drinks, who… I mean who drinks normally, like two, three glasses, not much more. And then, I have the image of the guy who really drink a lot and yes… that’s it
Girl 2Me when I see someone who is drunk or something like that, I don’t like it. I mean… I don’t know. I wonder, “why doing that? What’s the point?” It’s like what do they gain out of doing things like that