FG 2 |
Girl “I think that it’s worst. I mean, it’s better to post alcohol than tobacco” Boy 1 “Yes exactly” Boy 2 “Tobacco causes damages that are irreversible, I think it’s a shame that… we have just one life; it’s a shame” Boy 1 “Too bad for them, I mean it’s their life, not mine” |
FG 7 |
Girl 1 “I think that tobacco is more choking than alcohol because tobacco it’s really…” Girl 2 “Both are the same actually. For me, both…” Girl 1 “tobacco there are more risks associated to cancer or to really serious diseases, whereas not necessarily with alcohol. Because alcohol, nearly everybody drink some, whereas cigarette is much less common.” Girl 2 “for me it’s the same so…” |
FG 8 |
Boy: “It’s negative, both of them [alcohol and tobacco]” Girl: “I think that the worst, in any case, it’s to smoke for sure. I mean, you inhale something that is bad in your lungs […] whereas alcohol, it can disappear over time. I mean it damages…” Boy: “nothing” Girl: “It damages your mind for a while, and then, after, it’s ok, you’re…” Boy: “Yeah but no” Girl: “It’s better than smoking, that damage your lungs” |