Figure 6.
PCA with the increases of mean averages during the period 1960–2010 of country life expectance at birth (LE), different socioeconomic variables (AM = age mean, HDI = human development index, GDP = gross domestic product per capita) and food sources (t = total, N = nitrogen intake, P = phosphorus intake, prot = protein and Kcal = kilocalories per capita intake) from terrestrial animal sources (ta) (red), vegetables (v) (green), and aquatic animal (aa) (blue). AFG = Afghanistan, DZA = Algeria, ARG = Argentina, AUS = Australia, AUT = Austria, BHS = Bahamas, BGD = Bangladesh, BEL = Belgium, BLZ = Belize, BEN = Benin, BOL = Bolivia, BWA = Botswana, BRN = Brunei Darussalam, BFA = Burkina Faso, KHM = Cambodia, CMR = Cameroon, CAN = Canada, CAF = Central African Republic, TCD = Chad, CHL = Chile, CHN = China, COL = Colombia, CRI = Costa Rica, CIV = Cote Ivoire, CUB = Cuba, DNK = Denmark, DOM = Dominican Republic, ECU = Ecuador, EGY = Egypt, SLV = El Salvador, FJI = Fiji, FIN = Finland, FRA = France, PYF = French Polynesia, GAB = Gabon, GMB = Gambia, DEU = Germany, GHA = Ghana, GRC = Greece, GTM = Guatemala, GNB = Guinea-Bissau, GUY = Guyana, HND = Honduras, ISL = Iceland, IND = India, IDN = Indonesia, IRN = Iran, IRQ = Iraq, IRL = Ireland, ITA = Italy, JAM = Jamaica, JPN = Japan, JOR = Jordan, KEN = Kenya, KIR = Kiribati, KOR = Korea, KWT = Kuwait, LSO = Lesotho, LBR = Liberia, LUX = Luxembourg, MDG = Madagascar, MWI = Malawi, MYS = Malaysia, MLI = Mali, MLT = Malta, MRT = Mauritania, MEX = Mexico, MAR = Morocco, NPL = Nepal, NLD = Netherlands, NCL = New Caledonia, NZL = New Zealand, NER = Niger, NGA = Nigeria, NOR = Norway, OMN = Oman, PAK = Pakistan, PAN = Panama, PRY = Paraguay, PER = Peru, PHL = Philippines, PRT = Portugal, RWA = Rwanda, VCT = Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, SAU = Saudi Arabia, SEN = Senegal, SLE = Sierra Leone, SLB = Solomon Islands, ZAF = South Africa, ESP = Spain, LKA = Sri Lanka, SDN = Sudan, SUR = Suriname, SWZ = Swaziland, SWE = Sweden, CHE = Switzerland, THA = Thailand, TGO = Togo, TTO = Trinidad and Tobago, TUN = Tunisia, TUR = Turkey, UGA = Uganda, GBR = United Kingdom, USA = United States of America, URY = Uruguay, VEN = Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of), ZMB = Zambia, ZWE = Zimbabwe.