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. 2020 Oct 22;20:645. doi: 10.1186/s12884-020-03324-w

Table 1.

Association between gestational weight gain and risk of autism spectrum disorders: Method of the database search strategy using PubMed, SCOPUS, Google Scholar and Embase

Database (Search conducted up to June 27, 2020) Search termsa Number of studies searched
PubMed #1 (((gestational weight gain [Title/Abstract]) OR (pregnancy weight gain [Title/Abstract])) OR (weight gain in pregnancy[Title/Abstract])) OR (weight gain during pregnancy[Title/Abstract]) 4323
#2 (((autism[Title/Abstract]) OR (ASD[Title/Abstract])) OR (developmental delay[Title/Abstract])) OR (developmental disorder[Title/Abstract]) 64,806
#1 combined with #2 ((((gestational weight gain[Title/Abstract]) OR (pregnancy weight gain[Title/Abstract])) OR (weight gain in pregnancy[Title/Abstract])) OR (weight gain during pregnancy[Title/Abstract])) AND ((((autism[Title/Abstract]) OR (ASD[Title/Abstract])) OR (developmental delay[Title/Abstract])) OR (developmental disorder[Title/Abstract])) 15
SCOPUS (TITLE-ABS-KEY (“gestational weight gain”) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY (“pregnancy weight gain”) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY (“weight gain in pregnancy”) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY (“weight gain during pregnancy”) AND TITLE-ABS-KEY (“autism”) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY (“ASD”) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY (“developmental delay”) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY (“developmental disorder”)) AND DOCTYPE (ar) 24
Google Scholar allintitle: “autism” OR “ASD” OR “developmental delay” OR “developmental disorder” “weight gain” 24
with at least one of the words: “autism” OR “ASD” OR “developmental delay” OR “developmental disorder”
with the exact phrase: weight gain
Embase #1 ‘gestational weight gain’/exp. OR ‘pregnancy weight gain’/exp. OR ‘weight gain in pregnancy’ OR ‘weight gain during pregnancy’ 4356
#2 ‘autism’/exp. OR ‘asd’/exp. OR ‘developmental delay’/exp. OR ‘developmental disorder’/exp. 139,670
#1 AND #2 28
Cochrane library #1 (“gestational weight gain”):ti,ab,kw OR (“pregnancy weight gain”):ti,ab,kw OR (“weight gain in pregnancy”):ti,ab,kw OR (“weight gain during pregnancy”):ti,ab,kw 791
#2 (“autism”):ti,ab,kw OR (“autism spectrum disorder”):ti,ab,kw OR (“ASD”):ti,ab,kw OR (“developmental delay”):ti,ab,kw OR (“developmental disorder”):ti,ab,kw 4481
#1 AND #2 1
Total 92

aSearches were limited to original articles, and studies published in the English language using the appropriate filters and/or search terms depending on the database