Table 1.
Characteristics of Included Studies
Source | Country | Medical illness of patients | PTSD inclusion at baseline | n | Treatments studied | No. of sessions; format | Outcome assessor | Follow-up |
Arabia et al. (2011) | Italy | Cardiac event | IES-R > 22 | 42 | EMDR vs. IE | 8 sessions by a doctoral- level therapist | IES-R | Post intervention-6 months |
Capezzani et al. (2013) | Italy | Cancer | DSM-IV criteria | 21 | EMDR vs. CBT | 8 sessions by a psychotherapist | CAPS, IES-R | 1 month |
Carletto et al. (2016) | Italy | Multiple Sclerosis | DSM-IV criteria | 42 | EMDR vs. RT | 10 sessions by a clinician or psychotherapist | CAPS, IES-R | 6 months |
DuHamel et al. (2010) | US | Stem cell transplant | PCL-C +/− PTSD symptoms on the BSI | 81 | CBT vs. assessment only control | 10 telephone sessions by a post-doctoral fellow | PCL-C | 6 months-12 months |
Pacella et al. (2012) | US | HIV | PDS | 43 | PE vs. assessment. Only control | 10 sessions by a post-doctoral fellow | PSS-I | Post intervention-3 months |
Shemesh et al. (2011) | US | Cardiac event | DSM-IV criteria | 51 | IE vs. attention control | 3-5 sessions by a psychiatrist or psychologist | IES, PDS | Post intervention |
Note. Abbreviations: IES-R, Impact of Events Scale-Revised; DSM, Diagnostic Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders; PCL-C, PTSD Checklist-Civilian Version; BSI, Brief Symptom Index; PDS, Posttraumatic Diagnostic Scale; CAPS, Clinician Administered PTSD Scale; PSS-I, PTSD Symptom Scale-Interview; IE, Imaginal Exposure; RT, Relaxation Therapy