NTM culture results are not related to soil pH. (A) pH was measured from soil samples collected from Oahu (n = 46), Hawai’i Island (n = 4), Molokai (n = 4), Kauai (n = 5), and Maui (n = 1). pH value distributions were plotted by island and tested for differences (one-way ANOVA; *, P = 0.01). (B) Soil samples were stratified by NTM culture status, and all pH values are plotted. NTM culture-negative samples, pH mean = 6.95 (n = 49); NTM culture-positive samples, pH mean = 6.89 (n = 11) (one-way ANOVA; not significant; P = 0.85). (C) Feature importance is defined by mean decrease in accuracy (MDA) after 1,000 iterations of a classifier while shuffling the feature values. A higher MDA is associated with an important feature in the model. All remaining features is an average of the importance and variation among features other than pH. The importance of pH is lower than the average of all remaining features (0.0197 ± 0.0145 versus 0.0367 ± 0.0128; ***, P < 0.0001).