(a) The cognitive predictive analysis used NLP of scientific literature to find relationships between candidate metabolites and known biological conditions, ranking metabolites attending to the number of literature-based connections. (b) Distance network of known biological conditions and candidate metabolites are depicted as a function of the literature-based relationships found between them, calculated in the similarity matrix. Medline abstracts were used to search relationships. The closer a metabolite is to the biological conditions, the higher is ranked. The normalized similarity score is plotted as a heatmap. LysoPC(15:0) was not ranked because no documents were found. (c) Two more rankings based on metabolite statistics and fold-change during CR for both temperatures. The similarity score was averaged with these two scores. (d) Leucine enkephalin and methionine enkephalin levels measured in the hypothalamus. N=10 mice for each group, except for AL at 22 °C (N=9). (e) Tb profile of C57BL6 mice upon intracerebroventricular administration of multiple doses of leucine enkephalin or vehicle (artificial cerebrospinal fluid) during ad libitum feeding at time 0. N=4 mice for each group. Data in (d) was normalized using the ad libitum (AL) values as reference for both temperatures. Data were presented as box-and-whisker plots showing the data from all mice analyzed. Outliers were not removed. *p<0.05; **p<0.01; ***p<0.001 determined by a one-way ANOVA model by a Tukey’s HSD test, using AL data as reference for O, M and T time points. In (e), *p<0.05, determined by repeated measures 2-way ANOVA followed by Bonferroni’s multiple comparisons test.