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. 2020 Oct 22;15(10):e0240984. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0240984

Table 1. Summary of the data extraction indicators, measurement, and data source for mapping the progress of African countries to integrate essential NCDs services, using the WHO regional committee for Africa targets, 2020.

Regional target Indicator Measurement used (including in the heat map) Data source
Target 1: Member States adapted and are using the WHO PEN I. Country have national guidelines/protocols/ standards for the management of four NCDs through a primary care approach approved by government 3 = Fully achieved: if document exist for all four NCDs • 2020 WHO progress monitoring report, indicator 9 of the report
2 = Partially achieved: if document exist for two of the four NCDs
1 = Not achieved: no documentation available for any NCD
0 = No data found/not known
II. Country have adapted and are using the WHO PEN 3 = Fully achieved: if the country adapts and uses WHO PEN • Data was obtained from the WHO regional office for Africa
WHO 67th regional committee for Africa report
2 = Partially achieved: if the country adapts and pilots WHO PEN to develop their strategy
1 = Not achieved: if the country did not adapt or use WHO PEN
0 = No data found/not known
Target 2: Training of health care workers for managing NCDs at PHC level III. Country has a strategic plan to train PHC workers on management of NCDs 3 = Yes: country has trained or plans to train PHC workers • Country strategy was accessed from WHO’s NCDs Document Repository
1 = No: Data unavailable- if the country doesn’t have a strategy at all, or documents don’t indicate the PHC health worker training (this include document written in other languages) • Specific country reports and strategic documents
Target 3: Member States have essential medicines and basic technologies for NCDs in PHC facilities IV. National essential medicines and basic technology list for NCDs (PHC level, if available) 3 = National essential medicine and basic technologies list is available, and also country have a list for PHC • Data was extracted from WHO National medicines list/formulation/standard treatment guideline portal
• National government websites, journal articles and newspaper articles were searched
2 = National essential medicine/basic technologies list is available
1 = if the country didn’t have an essential medicine and basic technologies list or no list could be identified
V. Number of essential NCD medicines reported as “generally available” in primary care facilities of the public health sector (“generally available” were described if medicine/technology were available in 50% or more of pharmacies/facilities) • Number of essential medicines available out of 10 • 2018 WHO NCDs country profile
The 10 essential NCD medicines include; Aspirins, Statins, Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, Thiazide diuretics, Long-acting calcium channel blockers, Beta-blockers, Insulin, Metformin, Bronchodilators, and Steroid inhalants
For this study, data was categorized;
3 = All the 10 NCDs medicines were available
2 = 5–9 NCDs medicines were available
1 = Less than 5 NCDs medicines were available
0 = No data available
VI. Number of essential NCD technologies reported as “generally available” in primary care facilities of the public health sector • Number of essential technologies available out of 6 • 2018 WHO NCDs country profile
The 6 basic technologies include; Blood pressure measurement devices, weighing scales, height measuring equipment, blood sugar and blood cholesterol measurement devices with strips, and urine strips for albumin assay
For this study, data was categorized;
3 = All the 6 technologies were available
2 = 3–5 technologies were available
1 = <3 technologies were available
0 = No data available
VII. Proportion of PHC centres reported to offer CVD risk stratification • Percentage of PHC centres who offer the service • 2018 WHO NCDs country profile
For this study, data was categorized;
3 = countries with > 50% facilities provide service
2 = countries with < 25% facilities provide service
1 = None/service not available
0 = No data available/ don’t know
VIII. Member State has provision of drug therapy, including glycaemic control, and counselling for eligible persons at high risk to prevent heart attacks and strokes, with emphasis on the primary care level 3 = Fully achieved: if the country reports that more than 50% of PHC facilities are offering the services • 2020 WHO NCD progress monitoring, indicator 10
2 = Partially achieved: if the country reports that between 25% to 50% of PHC facilities are offering the services
1 = Not achieved: if the country did report or don’t offer the service
0 = No data found/ not known
Target 4: To strengthen and integrate NCD surveillance systems into health management information systems IX. Member State has a functioning system for generating reliable cause-specific mortality data on a routine basis 3 = Fully achieved- if country meets all the criteria for reliable cause-specific mortality data (the criteria are: 70% usable; at least five years of cause-of-death data reported to the WHO in the last 10 years and recent data reported for WHO within 5 years) • 2020 WHO NCD progress monitoring report- indicator 2
2 = Partially achieved- if the country does not meet all the criteria but has submitted some vital registration data to WHO
1 = Not achieved otherwise
0 = No data found/not known
X. Has a STEPS survey or a comprehensive health examination survey every 5 years 3 = Fully achieved- if country answer responds “Yes” to each of the risk factors covered in the STEP survey; the country must indicate that the last survey was conducted in the past 5 years and country must also provide the needed supporting documentation • 2020WHO progress monitoring report, indicator 3 (List of risk factors are available in the appendix 1 of the report)
2 = Partially achieved- if the country achieved some of but not all the risk factors listed in the STEP survey, or the surveys were conducted more than 5 years ago but less than 10 years ago.
1 = Not achieved otherwise
0 = No data found/not know
Additional Indicators
Health care financing XI. Out-of-pocket (OOP) expenditure as % of current health expenditure/2016 The proportion of OOP expenditure as % of Current Health Expenditure/2016 • WHO Global Health Expenditure Database
Spending categorised as:
3 = OOP < 20%
2 = OOP = 21–37%
1 = OOP ≥ 38% (above the regional average)
0 = No data available/not know
Leadership XII. Existence of an operational Unit, branch, or department in ministry of Health with responsibility for NCDs 3 = The country has a unit or other equivalent body in the country • WHO 2017 report from Global Health Observatory data repository Effective date: 2018-03-13
1 = No body available