Fig. 4.
Lactate-sensing mechanism and sensors based on two-dimensional materials. a Ti3C2Tx/PB-based glucose/lactate and pH sensor and its chronoamperometric response towards lactate sensing (source: reprinted from Yongjiu Lei, Wenli Zhao, Yizhou Zhang, Qiu Jiang, Jr-Hau He, Antje J. Baeumner,Otto S. Wolfbeis, Zhong Lin Wang, Khaled N. Salama, and Husam N. Alshareef- A MXene-based wearable biosensor system for high-performance in vitro perspiration analysis, Small 2019, 1,901,190, with permission from Elsevier). b Schematic representation of GO nanosheets embedded between the references and working electrode of the polyamide membrane. Lactate calibration dose-response in human sweat (source: reprinted from Kai-Chun Lin, Sriram Muthukumar, Shalini Prasad, Flex-GO (Flexible graphene oxide) sensor for electrochemical monitoring lactate in low-volume passive perspired human sweat, Talanta (2020), with permission from Elsevier). (c) Schematic representation of fabrication of GP-MoS2-Cu-LOD electrode (source: reprinted from Zhengyun Wang, Shuang Dong, Mengxi Gui, Muhammad Asif, Wei Wang, Feng Wang, Hongfang Liu, Graphene paper supported MoS2 nanocrystals monolayer with Cu submicron-buds: high-performance flexible platform for sensing in sweat, Analytical Biochemistry (2018) 82–89, with permission from Elsevier)