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. 2020 Oct 22;13(10):e236869. doi: 10.1136/bcr-2020-236869

Table 1.

Clinical presentation, diagnostics, treatment and outcomes of confirmed cases of oesophageal mucormycosis5–10

Study Age (years) Sex Predisposing condition Additional sites of involvement Presentation Antifungal prophylaxis Imaging Diagnosis Medical treatment Surgical treatment Outcome
Lee et al9 51 M AML Bronchus Fever and cough with neutropenia Caspofungin CT scan revealed extensive necrotising right-sided pneumonia and was suspicious for broncho-oesophageal fistula Flexible bronchoscopy Fungal culture revealed Mucor sp
OGD revealed large linear defect of the oesophageal wall that perhaps connected with the bronchus
LAMB Died on the day of diagnosis due to haemoptysis
Mezhir et al5 50 M HCV, ESRD and polysubstance use Stomach and liver Abdominal pain and haematemesis None Abdominal X-ray revealed pneumoperitoneum
CT scan revealed cystic lesion in the right lobe of liver
OGD revealed numerous necrotic lower oesophageal and gastric ulcers Fungal culture revealed Mucor sp Initial: LAMB (5 mg/kg/day)+oral AMB (50 mg/day)
Successful treatment: LAMB +posaconazole (200 mg every 6 hours)
Maintenance: oral posaconaole (400 mg every 12 hours) for 1 year
Resolution on serial CT scan at 1, 2, 7 and 12 months
Boatright et al6 63 M TIIDM and APML None Dysphagia None None OGD of distal oesophagus revealed circumferential wall thickening and black discoloration Fungal culture revealed Mucor sp LAMB, echinocandins, fluconazole and broad-spectrum antibiotics Died 24 days after diagnosis (cause of death not documented)
Gani et al8 79 M ESRD s/p deceased donor kidney transplant on immunosuppression, TIIDM Stomach Dysphagia and odynophagia None None OGD revealed oesophagitis
Fungal culture revealed Rhizopus sp
Isavuconazole: initial 372 mg every 8 hours then indefinite 372 mg once a day Repeat OGD post-operative day 20 revealed partial resolution Remained asymptomatic at 6-month follow-up
Kraft10 55 M Myeloid leukaemia None Fever, dysphagia and neutropenia Posaconazole CT scan revealed thickened oesophageal wall with signs of mediastinitis Oesophagectomy Fungal culture revealed Rhizopus sp LAMB Oesophagectomy with salivary fistula Died 5 days after surgery due to multiorgan dysfunction
Raviraj et al7 19 W Haemolytic uremic syndrome Stomach Fever, haematemesis and melena None CT scan revealed leakage from large gastric ulcer OGD revealed large bleeding ulcer over the oesophagus and stomach
Fungal culture revealed Mucor sp
LAMB +posaconazole for 8 weeks and 2 weeks, respectively Partial gastrectomy Resolution on OGD at 3-month follow-up
Present case 60 M AML Stomach Fever, odynophagia and neutropenia Voriconazole CT scan revealed oesophageal wall thickening consistent with severe oesophagitis OGD revealed severe circumferential oesophagitis
PCR testing revealed Rhizopus microsporus
LAMB for 55 days followed by maintenance posaconazole Resolution on repeat OGD at 27 days after diagnosis

AML, acute myeloid leukaemia; APML, acute promyelocytic leukaemia; ESRD, end-stage renal disease; HCV, hepatitis C; LAMB, liposomal amphotericin B; M, man; OGD, oesophagogastroduodenoscopy; TIIDM, type 2 diabetes mellitus; W, woman.