Fig. 6.
AcCIB2 regulates the photomorphogenesis. a Photograph showing the early phenotype of Arabidopsis cib2 mutant and complementation of early flowering phenotype of by AcCIB2-GFP. Plants were grown on the media plates for ten days, followed by transferring to soil in plastic pots and kept in a walk-in chamber. Plants were then photographed after 20 days of the transfer. b Relative expression of critical flowering genes (CO, FT and SOC1) and CRY-CIB genes (CRY1, CRY2, CIB1, CIB4 and CIB5) in Col-0, cib2 mutant, complemented (cib2 + 35S::AcCIB2-GFP) and in AcCIB2 overexpressing (35S::AcCIB2-GFP) lines. Gene expression is represented in fold change of expression against Arabidopsis ef1α calculated by 2−ΔΔCT. Vertical bars represent the mean ± SE of three biological replicate assays. Asterisks denote the statistical significance between control and treatment as judged by the Student’s t-test (*** P < 0.001)