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. 2020 Sep 19;40(7):912–923. doi: 10.1177/0272989X20946758

Table 1.

Key Model Inputs and Parameters

Baseline Characteristics of Eligible Population from HSE17
Characteristic Number Percentage
Male 1042 44.7%
Nonwhite 249 10.7%
Current smoker 446 19.1%
Past smoker 684 29.4%
Hypertension 615 26.4%
Mean SD Median
Age (years) 57.1 17.6 59
BMI (kg/m2) 28.5 5.4 28
Systolic blood pressure (mm Hg) 129.9 17.7 130
Total cholesterol (mmol/L) 5.2 1.1 5.2
HDL cholesterol (mmol/L) 1.5 0.47 1.5
HbA1c (%) 6.2 0.15 6.2
Mean Effectiveness Evidence from PHE Evidence Review18
Mean SE Source
BMI (kg/m2) −1.47 0.156 (18)
HbA1c (%) −0.20 0.043 (18)
Systolic blood pressure (mm Hg) −6.57 0.923 (18)
Total cholesterol (mmol/L) −0.28 0.028 (18)
Intervention cost £270 (11)
Duration of effect 5 years (11)
Key Dementia Incidence Parameters
THIN (60–80 years) hazard ratio BMI 0.940 0.0038 (2)
THIN (60–80 years) hazard ratio BMI2 1.003 0.0003 (2)
THIN (60–80 years) hazard ratio antihypertensives 0.876 0.0296 (2)
THIN (60–80 years) hazard ratio stroke 1.781 0.0394 (2)
THIN (60–80 years) hazard ratio diabetes 1.332 0.0417 (2)
CAIDE odds ratio obese 2.296 0.3034 (4)
CAIDE odds ratio hypertension 2.206 0.3238 (4)
CAIDE odds ratio hyperlipidemia 1.879 0.3161 (4)
Dementia Progression Annual Rate of MMSE Change
Intercept −5.4663 0.9836 (21)
PM1 [min(PrevMMSE, 9)] −0.4299 0.0597 (21)
PM2 [max[0, min(PrevMMSE, –9, 9)]] −0.0042 0.0410 (21)
PM3 [max[0, min(PrevMMSE, –18, 12)]] 0.1415 0.0487 (21)
Age at baseline 0.0747 0.0127 (21)
Previous rate of MMSE change −0.0791 0.0317 (21)
Dementia Mortality Parameters
Hazard ratio dementia mortality 60–85 years 4.54 0.1276 (26)
Hazard ratio dementia mortality 75+ years 2.77 0.0784 (26)
Dementia Costs
Health care cost mild dementia (MMSE 21–26) £3103 Assumed 10% (23)
Health care cost moderate dementia (MMSE 10–20) £8293 Assumed 10% (23)
Health care cost severe dementia (MMSE 0–9) £9841 Assumed 10% (23)
Social care cost mild dementia (MMSE 21–26) £5674 Assumed 10% (23)
Social care cost moderate dementia (MMSE 10–20) £22703 Assumed 10% (23)
Social care cost severe dementia (MMSE 0–9) £23466 Assumed 10% (23)
Dementia Utilities
Utility decrement MMSE 21–25 0.93 Assumed 10% (24)
Utility decrement MMSE 15–20 0.725 Assumed 10% (24)
Utility decrement MMSE 10–14 0.710 Assumed 10% (24)
Utility decrement MMSE 0–9 0.478 Assumed 10% (24)

BMI, body mass index; CAIDE, Cardiovascular Risk Factors, Aging, and Incidence of Dementia; HDL, high-density lipoprotein; HSE, Health Survey for England; MMSE, Mini Mental State Examination; PHE, Public Health England; PM, Previous MMSE; THIN, The Health Improvement Network.