Figure 6. Variation in Tylosaurus quadrate shape.
(A) T. proriger FMNH UR902. (B) T. proriger AMNH FARB 4909. (C) T. proriger AMNH FARB 1555. The infrastapedial process is either broadly pointed (A) or expanded, rounded, and semicircular (B and C). The suprastapedial process is either slender (B) or robust (A and C). The tympanic ala is either thick (A) or thin (B and C) and the alar concavity is either deep (B) or shallow (A and C). Distinct deflection of the mandibular condyle is either present (A) or absent (B and C). Abbreviations: isp, infrastapedial process of the quadrate; ssp, suprastapedial process of the quadrate. The photograph of FMNH UR902 has been inverted to face left.