Table 1.
S. No | Age | Sex | Imaging available* | Level of obstruction | Probable cause of obstruction | Primary confluence | IHBRD (> 3 mm) | Diameter of peripheral duct (mm) | Bismuth-Corlette classification | Coagulation profile (platelet counts, PTI) | Side of procedure | Catheter size | Endpoint | In-hospital outcome |
1 | 43 | M | MRCP | Distal | Benign stricture | Patent | Yes | 3 | – | 190 K, 80% | Left | 8 F | Internalized | Discharged |
2 | 85 | M | CT | Hilar | Cholangiocarcinoma | Not patent | Yes | 6 | Type IV | 120 K, 81% | Bilateral | 8 F | External drainage | Mortality |
3 | 27 | F | CT | Distal | Calculi | Patent | No | 2 | – | 150 K, 85% | Left | 6 F | External drainage | Mortality |
4 | 67 | M | CT | Distal | Periampullary carcinoma | Patent | No | 2.3 | – | 230 K, 90% | Right | 7 F | External drainage | Mortality |
5 | 55 | M | CT | Distal | Periampullary carcinoma | Patent | Yes | 3.8 | – | 320 K, 79% | Left | 8 F | External drainage | Mortality |
6 | 70 | F | USG | Hilar | Carcinoma gallbladder | Not patent | Yes | 3.5 | Type II | 450 K, 62% | Left | 8 F | Internalized | Discharged |
7 | 37 | M | CT | Hilar | Cholangiocarcinoma | Not patent | Yes | 4.2 | Type II | 61 K, 55% | Right | 8 F | External drainage | Mortality |
8 | 46 | M | CT | Hilar | Cholangiocarcinoma | Not patent | Yes | 4.5 | Type II | 480 K, 14% | Left | 8 F | External drainage | Mortality |
9 | 63 | M | CT | Distal | Carcinoma head of pancreas | Patent | Yes | 4.1 | – | 280 K, 86% | Right | 8 F | External drainage | Discharged |
10 | 45 | F | CT | Distal | Carcinoma head of pancreas | Patent | No | 2 | – | 320 K, 92% | Right | 6 F | External drainage | Discharged |
M male, F female, MRCP magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography, CT computed tomography, USG ultrasonography, IHBRD intrahepatic biliary radicles dilatation, PTI prothrombin time index, F French
*Depicts latest pre-procedural imaging