Table 2.
Authors | N BCI / Control | Age | Time after stroke | BCI intervention | Control Group | Outcome | Training duration |
Training intensity |
Baseline Fugl-Meyer UE (mean) |
Ang, 2010 [16] | 11/14 | 51.8 | chronic | BCI-Manus robot | Manus robot | FM-UE | 4 weeks | 3 per week | 14.9 |
Ang, 2014 [18] | 6/8/7 | 54.2 | chronic | BCI-Haptic knob | Haptic knob, standard arm therapy | FM-UE | 4 weeks | 3 per week | 27.0 |
Ang, 2015 [14] | 11/15 | 51.4 | chronic | BCI-Manus robot | Manus robot | FM-UE, Brain symmetry index | 4 weeks | 3 per week | 26.4 |
Biasuicci, 2018 [19] | 14/13 | 58.0 | subacute | BCI-FES | FES | FM-UE, Functional connectivity change | 6 weeks | 2 per week | 21.6/19.9 |
Chung, 2015 [20] | 5/5 | 43.6/50.2 | chronic | BCI-FES | FES | Attention index Fp1 und Fp2 Activation index | 5 days | – | |
Chung, 2015 [21] | 5/5 | 43.6/50.2 | chronic | BCI-FES | FES | TUG, BBS, cadence, affected sidestep lengths, affected side stride lengths | 5 days | – | |
Curado, 2015 [22] | 16/14 | 48.1 | subacute | BCI-robotic orthosis | Sham | mFM-UE, EMG | 5 per week | 13.1/15.0 | |
Frolov, 2017 [23] | 55/19 | 58.0/58.0 | subgroups: chronic and subacute | BCI-hand exoskeleton | Sham | FM-UE, ARAT, MAS | 3 weeks | 5 per week | 19.5 |
Jang, 2015 | 10/10 | 61.1/61.7 | subacute | BCI-FES | FES | MFT, shoulder subluxation x-ray classification, VAS | 6 weeks | 5 per week | – |
Kim, 2016 [3] | 15/15 | 59.5 | chronic | BCI | Conventional therapy | FM-UE, MAL, mod. Barthel Index, RoM wrist flexion | 4 weeks | 5 per week | 26.8/21.9 |
Mrachacz-K., 2015 [25] | 13/9 | 46.3/50.2 | chronic | BCI-EEG during foot dorsiflexion | Non assistive BCI-EEG | FM-LE, 10MWT, foot tapping frequency, corticospinal tract integrity, mRS | 3 days | – | |
Pichiorri, 2015 [26] | 14/14 | 64.1/59.6 | subacute | BCI-virtual hand feedback | MI | mFM-UE, MRC, NIHSS, effectiveness factor FM, Laterality index in motor and premotor cortices | 4 weeks | 3 per week | 23.4/24.2 |
Ramos-Murguialday, 2013 [27] | 16/16 | 49.3/50.3 | chronic | BCI-arm orthosis | Sham | mFM-UE, GAS, MAL, fMRI laterality index | 8 weeks | 2–3 per week | 11.2/13.3 |
Varkuti, 2013 [28] | 6/3 | 40.9/50.7 |
subacute 4 chronic 5 |
BCI-Manus robot | Manus robot | FM-UE, Functional connectivity change from RS-fMRI | 4 weeks | 3 per week | 35.0/47.0 |
Note: Patients’ statistics (mean age and Baseline Fugl-Meyer Assessment) are published differently for the BCI-group and control groups or for the whole participant population
Legend: ARAT Action Research Arm Test, BBS Berg Balance Scale, FES Functional electrical stimulation, FM-LE Fugl-Meyer Assessment for the lower extremity (34 points), FM-UE Fugl-Meyer Assessment for the upper extremity (66 points), 10MWT 10 m walking test, fMRI Functional magnetic resonance imaging, Fp1, Fp2 Attention Index and Activation Index frontopolar 1 and 2, GAS Goal Attainment Scale, MAL Motor Activity Log, MAS Modified Ashworth Scale, mFM-UE Modified Fugl-Meyer Assessment without reflexes (54 points), MFT Manual Function Test, MI Motor imagery, MRC Medical Research Council scale for muscle strengths, mRS Modified Rankin Scale, NIHSS National Institute Health Stroke Scale, RoM Range of motion, TUG Timed up and go Test, VAS Visual Analogue Scale