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. 2020 Oct 23;9(2):139–148. doi: 10.1016/S2213-2600(20)30459-8

Table 1.

Baseline patient characteristics

All participants (n=553)
Age, years 67·0 (59·0–73·0)
Men 417/553 (75%)
Women 136/553 (25%)
Body-mass index, kg/m2 27·7 (25·1–30·4)
Transferred from another intensive care unit under invasive ventilation 104/553 (19%)
Duration of invasive ventilation before admission, days 0·0 (0·0–2·0)
Use of non-invasive ventilation 51/489 (10%)
Duration of non-invasive ventilation, h 8·0 (3·8–13·9)
Chest CT scan performed 146/553 (26%)
Lung parenchyma affected
0% 8/146 (5%)
25% 46/146 (32%)
50% 39/146 (27%)
75% 46/146 (32%)
100% 7/146 (5%)
Chest x-ray performed 321/553 (87%)
Number of quadrants affected*
1 16/318 (5%)
2 69/318 (22%)
3 97/318 (31%)
4 136/318 (43%)
Pneumothorax 1/129 (1%)
Severity of illness
SAPS II (n=198) 38·0 (31·0–45·0)
APACHE II (n=146) 16·0 (12·0–20·0)
APACHE IV (n=271) 57·0 (45·0–70·5)
SOFA (n=253) 8·0 (6·0–11·0)
Severity of acute respiratory distress syndrome
Mild 135/541 (25%)
Moderate 360/541 (67%)
Severe 46/541 (9%)
Co-existing disorders
Hypertension 200/553 (36%)
Heart failure 25/553 (5%)
Diabetes 111/553 (20%)
Chronic kidney disease 23/553 (4%)
Baseline creatinine, μmol/L§ 79·0 (64·0–98·0)
Liver cirrhosis 2/553 (<1%)
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 52/553 (9%)
Active haematological neoplasia 8/553 (1%)
Active solid neoplasia 13/553 (2%)
Neuromuscular disease 8/553 (1%)
Immunosuppression 12/553 (2%)
Previous medication
Systemic steroids 27/553 (5%)
Inhalation steroids 67/553 (12%)
Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor 106/553 (19%)
Angiotensin II receptor blocker 64/553 (12%)
β blockers 113/553 (20%)
Insulin 31/553 (6%)
Metformin 74/553 (13%)
Statins 174/553 (31%)
Calcium channel blockers 104/553 (19%)

Data are median (IQR) or n/N (%). APACHE=Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation. SAPS=Simplified Acute Physiology Score. SOFA=Sequential Organ Failure Assessment.


321 patients had a chest x-ray, but three are not included here because original images could not be accessed for analysis.

Data was available for 129 patients.

Baseline ratio of partial pressure of arterial oxygen to fractional concentration of oxygen in inspired air was missing in 12 patients.


Most recent measurement in the 24 h before intubation or at ICU admission under invasive ventilation.