Fig. 2. Ptp4a2 postnatal endothelial deletion reduced endothelial cell number and increased vascular regression.
a Retina whole-mount staining with isolectin B4 and ERG1/2/3 and b quantification of the number of ERG1/2/3-positive endothelial cells in P6 Ptp4a2fl/fl and Ptp4a2fl/fliEKO mice. c Retina whole-mount staining with isolectin B4 and KI67 and ERG1/2/3, and d quantification of proliferative endothelial cells in P6 Ptp4a2fl/fl and Ptp4a2fl/fliEKO mice. e Retina whole-mount staining with isolectin B4 and collagen IV and f IB4−/COLIV+ sleeves quantification in P6 Ptp4a2fl/fl and Ptp4a2fl/fliEKO mice (Mann–Whitney U test: *p value < 0.05, **p value < 0.01, ns nonsignificant p value > 0.05). Each individual data point represents a mouse. Scale bars: a, c 100 μm, e 15 μm. Error bars represent mean ± s.e.m.