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. 2020 Jul 21;26:111–121. doi: 10.1016/j.jare.2020.07.010

Table 1.

Methodological variance reported by the participating laboratories.

16Ss (26 laboratories)
SMs (23 laboratories)
1. DNA extraction kit manufacture 1. DNA extraction kit manufacture
  Qiagen 9   Qiagen 7
  Tiangen 3   Tiangen 3
  Zymo Research 3   Zymo Research 2
  Omega 3   Omega 3
  Other/Custom 8   Other/Custom 8
2. bead-beating included in cell wall disruption? 2. Bead-beating included in cell wall disruption?
  Yes 19   Yes 14
  No 7   No 9
3. Amplified region of 16S rRNA gene 3. DNA fragmentation method
  V3-4 13   Enzymatic 13
  V4 6   Physical (ultrasound) 10
  V1-9 3 4. Sequencing Platform
  V4-5 1   Illumina NovaSeq 9
  V1-2 1   Illumina Hiseq 4
  V2, V3, V4, V6-7, V8, V9 2   MGISEQ-2000 3
4. Sequencing Platform   Illumina MiSeq 2
  Illumina NovaSeq 3   DA8600 2
  Illumina MiSeq 14   NextSeq CN500 2
  Illumina Hiseq 5   MGISEQ-200RS 1
  Ion Torrent PGM 3 5. Sequencing Mode
  PacBio Sequel 1   Paired-end 18
5. Sequencing Mode   Single-end 5
  Paired-end 22 6. Sequencing read length
  Single-end 4   100 4
6. Sequencing read length   150 15
  150 5   200 2
  250 10   300 2
  300 7 7. Taxonomic classifier
  400 1   MetaPhlAn2 12
  600 2   Kraken 2 5
  68,866a 1   SOAPaligner/soap2 3
7. Data Analysis Pipeline   Diamond 0.9.27 2
  Qiime 11   Explify V2.1.0 (IDbyDNA Inc.) 1
  USEARCH 7 8. Reference Databases
  Parallel-META Pipeline 1   Default database in taxonomic classifiers or NCBI nr database 20
  Mother 3   MetaHIT database 3
  EzBioCloud 1
  Ion Reporter™ 3
8. Reference Databases
  Greengenes 11
  SILVA 10
  NCBI 16S rRNA database 1
  PrecisionGene Database (PRS-DB) 2
  EzBioCloud 16S database 1
  Custom 1

Generated using a third generation of sequencer (PacBio Sequel) by P24.