Figure 3. MBIP is necessary for proliferation, migration, invasion and metastasis of NSCLC cells.
(A) qRT-PCR and (B) Western blot analysis of 344SQ cells with stable knockdown of MBIP (344SQ-Scramble control and 344SQ-ShMBIP#4,#5) (C) MTT assays indicating significantly decreased proliferation in 344SQ cells with stable knockdown of MBIP. Representative images of (D) Transwell chamber assays performed for migration and invasion or (E) 3D matrix (Matrigel+collagen) with invasive spheroids, formed by 344SQ cells with stable knockdown of MBIP. (F) Tumor volumes were measured every week in mice Implanted with 344SQ cells with stable knockdown of MBIP or scramble control (344SQ-Scramble control and 344SQ-shMBIP#4, #5). N = 5 (G) Tumor weights and (H) counts of gross lung metastatic lesions were recorded upon sacrifice of animals at the experimental endpoint. (I) Representative images were taken of lungs with macroscopic metastatic lesion (upper panel) and HE stained slides (lower panel) of the lung sections. (J) qRT-PCR and (K) Western blot analysis to determine MBIP expression levels in representative primary tumors from mice as described in (F-G). Three samples were included for each group, and one representative experiment out of three is shown. ****Pā<ā0.0001 is based on the Student t test. All results are from three independent experiments. Error bars represent SD.