Table 1.
Questions administered during the campus survey (Q) and course survey (C)
Q1. | Have you ever intentionally eaten insects before? Definitely not (5), Probably not (4), Not sure (3), Probably yes (2) Definitely yes (1). |
Q2. | Do you think brownie A or B had the cricket powder? A, B, I have no clue!. |
Q3. | Which brownie did you like more? A, B, I liked both equally, neither. |
Q4. | Would you willingly eat food made with cricket powder again? Yes, Maybe, No. |
Q5. | How likely are you to try a different food item made with cricket powder? Extremely unlikely (7), Moderately unlikely (6), Slightly unlikely (5), Neither likely nor unlikely (4), Slightly likely (3), Moderately likely (2), Extremely likely (1) |
Q6. | How likely would you be to purchase cricket powder for your own consumption (solely based on taste factors)? Extremely unlikely (7), Moderately unlikely (6), Slightly unlikely (5), Neither likely nor unlikely (4), Slightly likely (3), Moderately likely (2), Extremely likely (1) |
Q7. | How likely would you be to purchase cricket powder for your own consumption (solely based on environmental factors)? Extremely unlikely (7), Moderately unlikely (6), Slightly unlikely (5), Neither likely nor unlikely (4), Slightly likely (3), Moderately likely (2), Extremely likely (1) |
Q8. | How likely would you be to purchase cricket powder for your own consumption (solely based on nutritional factors)? Extremely unlikely (7), Moderately unlikely (6), Slightly unlikely (5), Neither likely nor unlikely (4), Slightly likely (3), Moderately likely (2), Extremely likely (1) |
C1. | Pretest—On a scale of 1–10, what is your level of comfort with eating insects? uncomfortable, very unlikely to eat insects (1), neutral (5), and very comfortable, very willing to eat insects (10). |
C2. | Do you think brownie A or B had the cricket powder? A, B. |
C3. | Which brownie did you like more? A, B. |
C4. | Post-Test—On a scale of 1–10, what is your level of comfort with eating insects?: uncomfortable, very unlikely to eat insects (1), unlikely to eat insects (2.5), neutral (5), and comfortable (7.5), very willing to eat insects (10). |