Fig. 1. Scanning ion conductance microscopy (SICM) imaging of rat ventricular myocyte.
(A) Normal control ventricular myocyte. (B) Formamide-induced detubulated ventricular myocyte. Transmission: Optical transmission images of the cells with SICM scanning areas (red boxes, scale bars = 20 µm). 3D SICM: 3D SICM surface images are presented with an indication of Z-grooves (dotted yellow lines), crests (dotted blue lines), and surface T-tubule openings (red arrows). 2D SICM: In 2D SICM images, several lines were drawn on the X- or Y-axis to get topographic line profiles of the surface images. Arrowheads indicate T-tubule openings. Line profiles: X-Z axis line profiles of the lines (i) and (ii) show a regular appearance of Z-grooves and T-tubule openings along the longitudinal X-axis. The line profile of the line (iii) indicates Z-grooves without openings. Two arrowheads (1 and 2) present the traceable depth of the T-tubules. Line profiles (line iv and v) obtained from detubulated ventricle show a relatively flat surface and closed openings. FFT: Fast Fourier transformation (FFT) analysis of the control cell (line i) gives a peak of 1.88 µm of T-tubule intervals (n = 48). FFT of the line (iii) on a Z-groove has no peak. FFT of the detubulated cell surface (lines iv and v) has no regularity (n = 36).