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. 2020 Oct 22;9(43):e00937-20. doi: 10.1128/MRA.00937-20


Sequence data for the rhizosphere soil samples analyzed after treatments

Samplea Data before QCb
Data after QC
Data after processing
Data after alignment
Size (bp) No. of sequences Sequence length (mean ± SD) (bp) GC content (mean ± SD) (%) No. of artificial duplicate reads Size (bp) No. of sequences Sequence length (mean ± SD) (bp) GC content(mean ± SD) (%) No. of protein features predicted No. of rRNA features predicted No. of protein features identified No. of rRNA features identified
Cp4 1,939,891,250 12,070,719 161 ± 73 49 ± 11 8,391,961 526,025,382 2,945,816 179 ± 71 44 ± 10 1,342,578 18,398 387,527 2,577
Cp8 2,618,758,280 15,575,330 168 ± 71 63 ± 12 1,832,282 2,270,368,498 13,083,355 174 ± 67 63 ± 10 11,042,146 36,758 4,547,525 10,755
N2 978,960,789 5,558,478 176 ± 74 43 ± 11 2,399,030 553,971,710 2,892,203 192 ± 71 41 ± 9 1,164,182 13,662 418,097 3,170
N1 1,694,792,733 9,687,815 175 ± 72 64 ± 12 1,078,716 1,474,813,072 8,198,530 180 ± 68 65 ± 10 7,188,585 18,817 3,057,707 6,303
Cn0 1,430,407,056 7,834,687 183 ± 70 64 ± 11 788,921 1,257,716,569 6,780,803 185 ± 67 64 ± 10 6,123,837 17,813 2,612,059 5,936

Cp4, 4 tons/ha compost; Cp8, 8 tons/ha compost; N1, 60 kg/ha inorganic fertilizer; N2, 120 kg/ha inorganic fertilizer; Cn0, control.


QC, quality control; SD, standard deviation.