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. 2020 Jun 23;40(11):2152–2164. doi: 10.1177/0271678X20931062

Table 1.

Quality score items.

Item Score point allocation Item Score point allocation
Category 1: Reporting of study subject details and welfare Category 2: Study planning quality
1. Animal protocol approved Reported yes = 1/no = 0 1. Study hypothesis Reported yes = 1/no = 0
2. Species Reported yes = 1/no = 0 2. A priori endpoint definition Reported yes = 1/no = 0
3. Sex and age Reported yes = 1/no = 0 3. A priori sample size calculation Reported yes = 1/no = 0
4. Pre-study health Reported yes = 1/no = 0 4. Reference to previous studies Reported yes = 1/no = 0
5. Comorbidities Reported yes = 1/no = 0 5. Inclusion/exclusion criteria Reported yes = 1/no = 0
6. Adequate medication Reported yes = 1/no = 0 6. Effect size/treatment effect Reported yes = 1/no = 0
Category 3: Internal study validity Category 4: Outcome analysis and reporting
1. Blinding Reported yes = 1/no = 0 1. Individual data points Reportedyes = 1/no = 0
2. Randomization Reported yes = 1/no = 0 2. Drop outs/excluded subjects Reported yes = 1/no = 0
3. Allocation concealment Reported yes = 1/no = 0 3. Appropriate statistical tests Used yes = 1/no = 0
4. Physiological parameters Measuring reported yes = 1/no = 0 4. Potential error sources Reported yes = 1/no = 0
5. Analysis modalities Appropriate modalities reporteda yes = 1/no = 0 5. Study/methodological limits Reported yes = 1/no = 0
6. Infarct induction confirmation Reported yes = 1/no = 0 6. Justified conclusion givenb Provided yes = 1/no = 0

aAnalysis modalities were considered appropriate when being sufficient to assess the respective research question or endpoint (see Supplementary Table 3 for details).

bConclusion was considered justified when supported by correctly analyzed results.