Classification of I. orientalis SD108 genes contained in iIsor850. Eukaryotic orthologous groups (KOG) annotations (see for details) were generated by analyzing the complete annotated genome of I. orientalis SD108 and then assigned to the genes in the model. Corresponding standard group abbreviations are given in parentheses for each KOG. The group marked Other compiles groups with abbreviations A, B, D, J, K, L, O, S, T, U, V, W, Y, and Z. Genes with multiple KOG assignments were added to all indicated groups. Genes without KOG assignments are not shown. Light blue bars represent genes in iIsor850 that have homologous genes in Yeast 8.3.4, as indicated by the annotations generated during the construction of iIsor850. Similarly, any genes for which the annotations indicated homologous genes in S. cerevisiae but not are contained in Yeast 8.3.4 are shown in dark blue bars. The remaining genes in iIsor850 are indicated in red bars. The percent coverage of iIsor850 of the I. orientalis SD108 genome is indicated by the numbers to the right of each bar. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)