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. 2020 Oct 26;17(3):707–724. doi: 10.1007/s11625-020-00874-y

Table 5.

Main CF components in relation to llama nanobodies

Components Case study Value Description other
Nature Llamas Intrinsic relational instrumental Domestic camelid Can be used as lab animal
Nature contribution to people VHH nanobodies Instrumental Smaller and simpler than those found in humans VHH fit into smaller and more recessed binding sites on the viral surface
Anthropogenic assets Development of llama bio management Instrumental Llamas live in a corral near the laboratory Tamed and trained for special handling (e.g. inoculation, collection of blood samples)
Laboratories developing therapeutics with llama VHH Instrumental State-of-the-art techniques used in molecular biology
Institutions and Governance and other indirect drivers

International Research institutions

National Research Council CONICET, other national institutions (INTA, Milstein, Leloir)

Instrumental Research to produce biomedical products

Many products can be patented

Nagoya protocol

Direct natural drivers Housing conditions, temperature, food



Llamas must be housed and handled with care In summer, they need to be shorn


anthropogenic driver

Research on llama blood Instrumental Several laboratories around the world Techniques for blood collection must follow animal welfare protocols
Good quality of life Can provide the cure for a wide range of diseases, including neurodegenerative ones Instrumental Therapeutic approaches based on the novel camelid nanobodies Many people in the world can receive effective treatments based on the molecules of an animal that they do not know and live thousands of kilometers away. Health telecoupling