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. 2020 Sep 14;29(11):2201–2212. doi: 10.1002/pro.3941



Cartoon and geometric representation of four CutR polymorphs. CutR crystallized as a traditional flat BMC hexamer (a and b) and formed two distinct screws with varying pitch (c and d). The flat hexamers are viewed down the six‐fold axis of symmetry (a and b) and the screws are displayed on their sides to show their pitch (c and d). Geometric representations reveal that in the flat form, Hexamer 1 (a) and Hexamer 2 (b) both deviate slightly from perfect C6 symmetry. Screw 1 (c) has a pitch of 41.9 Å and Screw 2 (d) has a pitch of 33.8 Å. Asterisks indicate constructs that crystalized while retaining an N‐terminal His‐6 tag